Fuel injection

having looked around,does anyone recomend a fuel injection system for the beloved twink, and what problems could arise? i will be putting in a new tank with larger fuel lines and a return,using an electric pump with filters, any thing else im missing.

Paul if you are having a tank made make sure they fit a swirl pot in the bottom to stop fuel surge at low fuel levels. You will need a fuel pressure regulator on the end of the fuel rail also.

Thanks Ian,good point.i found a bloke near watford that looks good on price ill put it too him.any type of system you recomend?

Paul, QED used to “convert” the Twink to Fuel injection.

Not sure which part of the fuel injection “system” you are looking for.

Probably help to treat as subsystems:-

1./ Fuel supply including high pressure (say around 2-3 bar) pump, filter, supply return pipes, modified tank to prevent air entering system (or external swirl pot etc). Most of this needs to be integrated into the car itself, don’t underestimate time required to get the pipes installed neatly, leak free etc

2/ Fuel injection on engine hardware, such as throttle bodies, fuel injectors, fuel rail, air filter,

3/ Control system (or ECU) and sensors, are you also going for an integrated electronic ignition and are you going to measure crank position, will you use a lambda sensor etc, will your throttle body setup have a reliable throttle position sensor, water temperature sensors etc

4/ Setup and calibration, eg rolling road sessions

Not sure that any one supplier is going to provide all of the above



Have look at jenvey throttle bodies. web site covers rails regulators prices ect
Emerald Ecu they have all you need for ecu, harness, sensors & rolling road have a good look at there website they are in norfolk
Axminster alloy tanks they are the dogs b**oks
Qed steel flywheel with machined teeth for crank sensor or can supply toothed pulley a cheaper & easier option but you should still be looking to balance new components to crank assey with either choice.
Also if you head for a lamda you wont be able to use additives or leaded fuel
I am sure there are plenty of different opinions out there particullarly on ecu.
Have fun Curly :smiley:

basicly i think i got a rusting tank that lead to crud in the fuel lines,the obvious happened on a busy dorset road with me looking a prat…!!
so rather than spend all the money on a new tank,lines ect and keep the carbs,ill treat her to an EFI set up,so im looking for the lot in a nice neat tried and tested package.id rather prefer a one stop shop for the lot so i can fit it all and take it back for setting up once done.

having tried various sugeted sites,it may not be that easy.

thanks for all the advice so far.


Paul it will be a fairly expensive exercise to buy a complete package i believe QED do a setup & weber do complete kits mapped but not sure they do one for the twincam. John Clegg has a nice set up on his +2 using bike throttle bodies & a megasquirt ecu this is a nice little system at low cost but will involve a bit of messing about by yourself we are just fitting one to a blacktop zetec at present

It all depends how much work you want to put in, you can buy a kit from emerald www.emerald3d.com. It’ll cost around ?2k. I sourced the components myself including some second hand jenvey’s & ECU. I am at about ?1500 and will probably spend the next ?500-?1k (paying some one else) to get it running. This is mostly because I ran out of time (space) and I could sell my car, or pay to get it built. So I chose to get it built.

I am doing this on the back of a full rebuild of the car, so the engine mods are easy at this point.

Talk to Andy Wiltshire about the tank, top bloke and excellent quality product; he knows how a FI tank for the Elan should be.

I have been watching John Clegg’s posts, but I don’t have the time to spend on doing it myself right now. John seems to have learnt a lot and usually shares information and help.

Tony Thompson reckons that going this route adds a lot of torque at the bottom end, to me thats a bonus, I want predictable performance everytime I drive without any flat spots without having to spend the same money as going FI letting some specialist set it 100% correctly for 500 miles!

Hope that helps,

Jason Farmer

Hi all, i didn’t realise TTR did EFI but i sent a request to him for info,as has been said how much work do i want to do,well im in Germany and the cars in south uk,so i want to turn up and fit the lot in as little time as poss,with a map that will at least start and run with some degree of accuracy.The increase in torque is what im after as i got a 5 speed box and a 3.54 diff unit,but once fitted will be rolling roaded and the results put on here,so i cant hide the truth and may help others in the same situation.


TTR don’t but, he has experience of cars that do.

Just buy the kit from emerald3d, crank pulley and sensor bracket from QED, tank from andy wiltshire (axminster …) and follow emerald’s advice on getting the parts that they don’t sell.

Thats the only way i can see you doing it as you suggest!


Bogg Bros in North Yorkshire do a very nice bike carb conversion.


I have seen this car it looks superb. I believe they charged something in the order of ?600 all in.

Probably not what is required on this thread, just wandering a little.

I spoke with Bogg Bros about injection and they don’t get involved but as said they do a nice line in bike carb conversions.

I am going down the FI route and have done a lot of research and whichever way you look at it, if you want to use proprietary parts, it’s a ?2.5k job. If you are happy to tinker and fabricate, build a megasquirt etc. it can be done for quite a bit less but I have neither the time nore the expertise to do that. Also, I figure life is short and with cash in the bank earning less than inflation why not help the economic recovery :laughing:

It’s worth trying these guys who came highly recommended by my engine builder. They seemed quite reasonable cost wise when I approached them about doing a twinc conversion. They can supply and fit everything and also map the engine on the bench if required so that you have a complete turnkey unit:



Paul, hi.

I can second Emerald’s helpfulness in terms of advice and supplying kit.

My own view is that if you are fitting electronic fuel injection and ignition you really are facing getting the engine out to set it all up properly, mechanically as well as electronically.

Don’t underestimate the time it will take to run a larger size fuel line from the injection pump to the fuel rail and back again to the tank or swirl pot. The injection pump will need a filter upstream if it is to last. The fuel rail will need a fine filter to protect the injectors. If you are building everthing in super clean condition you may decide to combine both filters in the filter upstream of the injection pump. The obvious place to run the line might be along the underbody, but the Elan is too low, there are no crevices to protect the lines in, other than those close to the exhaust. Inside the body???. Otherwise inside the chassis backbone as per Zetec but you will probably need to get the body off to get proper access. Don’t use plastic fuel pipe. At the pressure and flow rates you will generate in a fuel injection system you run a risk of static burn through. The OEMs know what they are doing when they use plastic, we should stick to conductive and hopefully corrosion resistant metallic fuel lines.

I guess the point of my post is to count on quite an involved project. Definitely not a weekend job. The bits that the suppliers will sell you are the easy bits



Running Fuel injection in my Elan is something I also have in the back of my mind & I’ve already decided that the quickest way to route the Fuel lines would be to use Metallic ones under the Carpet alongside the Transmission Tunnel.
Initial thoughts were to run them through the Body under the Doors but the possibility of severe damage through side impact turned me away from that solution.
As Gerry mentioned; running the Lines within the Backbone would really entail taking the Body off & to be honest I’m not very happy about having the present Fuel line in there with a Propshaft whirling around.


where do i start,

it seems the idea of a weekend project is well out the window,i was planing an about a week to be honest and about 2-3k,that was to take out the engine and change the bits to allow the 5 speed box to be fitted too.yes,including fitting the new tank and lines.time for a re think.

as a point,id like to thank all for the advice.but not wanting to offend anyone some times you just have to bite the bullet and go with what you have,or ill spend all evening researching different companys and waiting for replies,and ill never get the job done.that said it is a BIG job,bigger than what i thought and i want to do it 1,properly so i can pass the info onto others in the forum, 2, at a price thats best value and 3,so i can put real dyno results on the post so others know what will be the result of spending hard earned cash.

So im thinking wait for the replies and make a move,but i dont think it will be done over my xmas holidays,sorry.

thanks for the help so far and if anyone has dyno results,can i see them with an engine spec please.

regards to all and happy xmas


John, I think you have a valid safety point. The original fuel design had a feeble “suck” of fuel from the tank to the engine via the mechanical pump. The safety implication of pressurised fuel at say 40psi is entirely different. Points to consider are:

  1. safe routing away from damage potential (as John says keep away from Prop Shaft)
  2. leak tight and tested with air or nitrogen. This means using a proper means of jointing such as AN (JIC) and paying attention to detail on the flares. Threads are not really suitable!
  3. making sure lines can be inspected for damage and corrosion
  4. eliminating risk of static burn through
  5. fit an inertial kill switch
  6. equip manifold with a micro pressure bleed-off back to return line
    I’ve previously fitted my fuel lines into the backbone, but will redo this job and relocate to the inside of the car (using annealed stainless tubing if it works with the Rollair).


Just a quick update,tomorrow i shall be ordering the injection system from Dave Walker at emerald,thanks to Jason for the link.all in at a very good price,less than 2k.hopfull that will be fitted on my week off,photos will apear here.just a question for anyone that may have done this conversion,can we see dyno results,im thinking we will all be suprised at the results.When mine is rolling road set up it will be on here for all to see

Happy Xmas all,thanks for the advice


An update,and plee for help.Just waiting for my fuel injection to arrive with the rest of the delayed xmas post,so MAY be up and running sooner than i thought, May need some help or advice,the fuel pump is an external bosch type that needs to be gravity feed.Has anyone else used simmilar pumps? if so where did you mount them, and were there any unseen problems ect ect.

the intention is to have the feed from the standard position,ie front centre of the tank,gravity feeding through an inline filter (xjs v12) to the pump.Then along to another of the same filters just before feeding the fuel rail. The return will simply (?) lead to the return on the tank.

Does this sound OK to those who have carried out a conversion to EFI or am i completly wrong and nuts???

Many thanks,


Paul the pumps are normally fitted below the tank for the gravity feed & where they get some airflow as they get chuffing hot if the mounting bracket is steel a bit of duralac on the bracket stops the ally pump body corroding

Paul, in addition to the issues identified wrt pump mounting, you need to ensure the pump gets a continuous supply of fuel with no air ingestion. This is essential for the health of the pump and because the injectors can only meter liquid and not aerated fuel or air. As the Plus 2 tank does not have suitable internal baffles or a “well” for an internal pump, you might wish to consider an external “swirl pot” or a new bespoke fuel tank. The swirl pot is a cylindrical can with a feed for the pump taken from near the bottom, plus connections for a return from the injection rail (pressure regulator), a vapour balance line back to the tank, a gravity feed from the tank etc.

A tip for the plumbing, ensure that you can replace the filter element without soaking the boot lining and sound deadening material.

