I found this Stromberg Lotus TC specific case study on his web site to be very interesting. Kind of buried the lead; I forget how I navigated to the link… 
Perhaps someone here knows the author Don Kuzma in the Cleveland area? Maybe reach out to the Cleveland Area Lotus group?
A few detail points/questions/grist for the mill. Not based on personal FI experience, just on researching the topic. I decided to put my FI dreams on hold for now until I give my Weber 45’s a full shot.
I would not be that happy with the GM ECU idea if it involves shipping chips back and forth every time the map requires modification. Lots of programable ECU choices available now; the referenced Lotus article is pretty dated and I didn’t dig in to what else the supplier has on offer now.
If you go with a programable ECU like Emerald or equivalent, probably easier to purchase the loom and sensors they recommend. The various suppliers offer ‘fly lead looms’ that would result in a very polished install with well documented wiring. Although I have not checked it out, I am guessing the various UK suppliers would be able to provide a pretty good starting map for a 1600 cc four cylinder running dual Strombergs.
Not sure if the system uses a crank position sensor or just uses the converted dizzy for position and timing information? Where I was going is to check out whether one of the available crank position sensor brackets that are specific to the Lotus TC would work with whatever this system uses.
From my reading it is very important to get the crank position signal right, and I always thought it better to go with an engine specific mount. But that is me, as I don’t have deep skills is metal fabrication. If this system does indeed take position data from the dizzy, would that potentially introduce a bunch of scatter? All a question not a knock.
I have not really reviewed Stromberg compatible throttle bodies. Looks like a cool idea for a Federal engine. As the setup uses siamesed inlets I would expect it would take a bit of fiddling to get the mapping right, but cam position should not be required.
Just from reading here, definitely go with the 3D mappable ignition option. Several folks here have mentioned that just using a 3D ignition (throttle position and crank position inputs used by the ECU to control timing) even without full FI improved running characteristics substantially and worked OK on properly jetted Webers. Sorry, outside my knowledge base, but the usual ignition approach seems to be wasted spark with coil packs, which seems a better/more modern approach than a converted dizzy.
Just a few random thoughts. I like the idea of Stromberg compatible throttle bodies, but not as keen on the rest of it. I think I have seen some other Stromberg TB setups out of the UK, but I didn’t save the links as I had the head converted from Stromberg to Weber 45’s. Here is an example from a quick search
Last general thought regarding FI. What I took from the folks here that have done FI on a Lotus TC is that two areas that are commonly underestimated for cost and hassle are the high pressure fuel supply details and the mapping/tuning. General advice is to select the ECU based on locally available support, particularly if using a dyno shop at any point. The GM ECU approach might be more hassle in the end. That said, I haven’t seen anyone else who has mapped a Stromberg head TC, and as this supplier clearly has, could be a good thing.
HTH. Interesting topic.