Fuel injection elan+2

can any one help me i am thinking of fitting fuel injection does any one know of a DIY conversion

Take a look through these:

google.com/search?hl=en&num= … f&oq=&aqi=

1968 36/7988

There is an ECU called a mega tune / mega squirt, it uses standard fuel injectors which if you made up your own manifold you could use, and it also uses proprietary parts such as vw throttle body, you would have to fit additional sensors such as coolant, air and others but not an insurmountable task.

see here:-

I’ve got one of these megasquirts fitted, although only running the ignition at the moment.
John Clegg has one fully working

QED do a turnkey kit complete with engine map. Expensive but should be good.

I am going down the jenvey route with Emerald, Omex or similar ECU, QED trigger wheel and other kit such as fuel pump, coil pack etc from a scrapper Ford.

When you look into it fully it’s not cheap if you want to do it properly but worth it I think.


Mr Stronghold

You omit to say where you are?..I am tuning the fuel injection fitted to my plus2 (steep learning curve) and as the rest of the forum knows I’m not one to throw my money about (either that or i prefer messing around to see what I can do) …Megasquirt is a self assembly kit (or you can purchase ready built/programmed) and as for the rest…crank sensor,fuel pressure regulator,high pressure pump,throttle bodies etc,etc,etc. can be picked up quite cheaply (fleabay,breakers yards etc.)

If you want I can post some piccies?

John :wink:

Don’t forget about fuelling needs. The +2 tank isn’t designed for a pressurised injection set-up. The Spyder Zetec conversion uses a Spyder fabricated 1L swirl pot downstream of the tank and an in-line Bosch fuel pump, filter and an adjustable fuel pressure regulator. Also there are also new fuel lines (flow & return from the swirl pot) that are run inboard of the chassis. None of it rocket science, but not part of a normal carburettor set-up.


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Hi CeeJay

A photo of my car engine with throttle bodies!!

Wolf have been fantastic getting the car to run properly on their system, runs really well.

They also supplied all hardware

As a warning to all, be very aware of doing any business with the company that CeeJay got the photo from. Not very reliable or trustworthy in my bitter experience
