Front spring assembly

Ok, I’m moving along nicely on the restoration and I’m now ready to start building up my new frame. Here’s my question…

Can anyone out there advise me on the best way to compress the front springs for assembly with the shock?


The springs are to small to fit the conventional external hook style compressors. 3 possibles ways I have seen used.

  1. Use ratchet style tie down straps to compress the spring before installing on the shock.
  2. Make up a frame with top and bottom caps and threaded rods to compress the spring before installing on the shocks
  3. Compress the spring on the shock in some style of press arrangement, I use this method between the adjustable table on my drill press and the drill press foot plate.


Thanks for the advice. I was thinking along the same lines with my drill press. That’s the problem I’m running into, conventional spring compressors don’t fit!

Thanks for the advice. I’ll play with this over the weekend and report back.

hello ian…
kept seeing your name here and wondered if you were the same person i met at a alpine/tiger meet at tom gerharts place…you had a light blue harrington alpine…anyhow nice to see the progress on your elan,david
72 elan sprint coupe

Yes, that’s me. Still have the Harrington Alpine. Lotus project is really coming along nice. You coming to the TE/AE United in Cincinniti this fall?

No luck assembeling the spring over the shock. I’ve tried several methods, but just no go.

I have no problem compressing the spring to the height I need, but it’s holdiong it that seems to be the problem. I’m unable to find a way to compress the spring with it on the shock either. I’ve tried all methods mentioned above.

At this point, I’m open to new ideas or services that can do this for me.

You can build your own in about 3 hours of effort. Do you have a machine shop? I can send you a picture of ours we made back in sixties. Simple and safe. I know I’ve got dead shocks laying around put maybe not any loose spring to demonstrate how this design really works in the picture. You might have to use imagination.

I’m replacing both master cylinders today on my Elan so let me know and I’ll take along my digital camera. Oh hey, I’m suppose to take pictures of the droop limit straps on the Chapman struts too. Completely forgot about taking those pictures last weekend. :blush:

Yes, please post pictures. I don’t own a machine shop, but can get access to one and someone to help.

Okay, I took some pictures but like everyone else I have to figure out how to post them through this Coppermine site. I’ll do it later on this evening.

Do I loose all my rights to the photos by posting them there?

No,but if you’ve got a lot of megapixels you’ll only be able to load one on the site,best to go for medium resolution that way you’ll get a few on
John (wot no wink?)

If I’m that limited then WTF good is that gallery. :angry: Go here and look into the folder called 'coilover_spring_compressor".[email protected]

Thanks… yep… I can see how that will work.