Front grille clips

does anyone have, or know where I can get, a couple of the screw-clip things that hold the bottom of the front mesh grille in place? Mine have gone to the great screw-clip place in the sky after falling through the bottom of the car… My mesh grille now threatens to do the same. Esp after I twatted a bemused looking pheasant with it at well over 60mph…


I use black electrical tie-wraps, cut them off with snips if I need to remove grille. But you can get the horrid little steel clip-things at Halfords in the bits and pieces section! :wink:

The clips you talk of are only large panel speed nuts. They are of the double thickness variety with a clearance hole one side and the punched thread on the other. Being a folded clip you clip it over the outer bead wire of the grill and then attach it to the body by self tapping screws through the lower air intake flange. Hope you can follow that. Most car accessorary shops stock them. Try Halfords.


Like I said. :open_mouth:

My Dad likes to call em Moveable Tapped Holes :laughing:


I always wondered how the grill is supposed to be fixed. Please can you attach a photo - I am not sure I got it.

Have to say though, cable ties sound good too.

best regards, iain

As Gordon says they are just extra long speed nuts or spire clips as I have always known them and should be available from anyone who stocks fasteners.

They didn’t fit neatly on my car so I made some simple clips of exactly the dimensions I needed to do the same job.

I actually like the idea of cable ties … didn’t think of it at the time :slight_smile:

Rob, Was the pheasant “bemused looking” before or after you hit it :smiley: