Hi list, I don’t want to get into a debate about the pro’s and con’s of Spax dampers, but I have a problem that I wondered if anyone else had experienced,
I have just had to remove my “new” (done 500 miles) Spax damper, because it is leaking, and send it back under guarantee. I have had to remove the spring before I send it back. I noticed that on the offside only, the spring is rubbing against the damper body. I don’t think that this is the reason for the damper failure, but I am sure it’s not right. The spring was supplied by Spyder here in the UK and when I spoke to them to make sure I had the correct spring for my Plus 2, ( which I have) Spyder told me “yeah, they all do that” The old Armstrong units had a rubber cover to stop the spring wearing on the damper, but of course I threw mine in the bin a long time ago.
Is there anything that can be fitted to stop the wear? Is this normal? Has this happened to anyone else in an elan as opposed to a plus 2?
If you apply a little grease it won’t squeak. You’ll just have to cope with it rubbing. The two other choices of stiffer springs will lessen the amount of buckling. Lotus and Triumph designed the clearance a tad bit too close there.
Thanks for the replies. I didnt think to use heat shrink. I have boxes of the stuff at work, never thought to use it for this application! I have sent the damper back to Spax for replacement, I’ll heat shrink the damper body when it comes back.
I have a similar problem with dampers/springs on the rear suspension on my +2, which has a Spyder twin wishbone arrangement. Makes a horrible noise creaking grating noise as the springs rub on the damper body. The only solution I have found is to use a can of spray grease & apply liberally! Some sort of nylon cover, like my motorbikes, would do but Andy at Spyder had a similar reaction to yours after my comment about the noise. This one thing is almost enough to get me to refit the old struts as it drives me to distraction! But then I think about the regular wheel bearing failures…
An interesting thread. I hear the occasional squeek from the front suspension on my S4 and always thought it was the poly bushes. Looks like I will be taking the front dampers apart to fit some sleeving.