Having just joined Club Lotus France, I?ve got involved with helping to compile the register of plus 2s in the Country
The register is anonymous with no name or registration number. Just the chassis No, cars details and whether it is on the road and an email contact if acceptable
Hopefully we may get to 25 cars!
If you would like to be included (Cars in France only!!!) please PM me with your email address and I will send you the form
Good idea Terry
I am going to help you in this way
5 cars are already registred today .
Somes owners are in holidays , but its comming .
We would like also organise a “special +2 meeting”
but I return towards you in some days for this subject .
With Serge’s list, I think we now think there may be close on 30 cars in France!!!
This is without any that may come out of the woodwork (or barn) in the next few months
I think the real number in the UK & USA would be a surprise as well , is anyone out there prepared to take on those registers?
I have been following lotuselan.net for several months now following the sale of my Caterham 7. I am keen to replace it with a +2S which I am finding quite difficult to find here in the States. The idea of a USA Plus 2 register may help me fulfill my future ownership goal. If no one out there has started a state side owner’s list, I would be most happy to be the point guy to create one. PM me with info if anyone’s interested.
Appleton, WI
Thanks Terry about the eBay listing for a Plus2. Talking to the owner now. The car is located in Ohio which is a short trip for me from Wisconsin. Listing ends Sunday so I should know very soon whether I will be a new Plus2 owner.