Frame parts

Does anyone know if front uprights for the frame can be purchased? And maybe a few other areas. If so, where? Or do they have to be fabricated? Thank you. Frank

It sounds like your chassis is f…d Frank! Give it up mate, treat yourself to a new one.

Hi Frank

If your chassis is rot like Leslie says, then I agree with him about replacing it.


I think if you still want to get them then call Miles Wilkins at Fibreglass services who may be able to help. He is now responsible for making the new Lotus ones & probably know everything about Elans (& then some)
A word of advice though, Miles can be a little prickly sometimes so tread carefully. I suppose it’s because he is always being pestered about all the technical stuff. I’ve had my moments with him but on the whole he’s a good bloke.
You can call them on (need to add int dialling code) (0) 1243 554422 in England.

Hope that helps


Even in the mid-sixties Lotus must have been worried about liability. Plate CG (chassis section) in the 1966 Elan S1 and S2 parts book contains the following admonition:

“Note, items marked N.S. cannot be serviced. Dealer to order complete chassis assembly or return the damaged chassis to manufacturers for rectification”

The only part not marked N.S. on this plate is the gearbox mount which bolts to the chassis. Thanks to Gary Anderson for having preserved this old parts book. As posted elsewhere I recently purchased a new chassis for my +2 which came from Miles Wilkins. For what the new chassis cost I would not bother to try anything other than the most trivial repairs to an old chassis. Chris at Sevens and Elans was my intermediary and he knows how to work with Mr. Prickly.

I recall Spyder offering a front end replacement which they would weld onto your existing frame.
May be worth giving them a call.


When I bought a Spyder chassis, I gave my old original Lotus chassis to a friend; a fellow Lotus enthusiast. I hoped that he might find a good use for it. I knew that the chassis would just rust away if left in my hands.

Meanwhile, another local Elan owner took his car to a local “Lotus guru” for repairs (the guru deserves the title: he does excellent work). The other Elan needed replacement of its front uprights; the guru needed to locate uprights.

My friend has been working for the guru for five years. After modest negotiations, the uprights from my original chassis were grafted onto the other Elan’s chassis by the guru. I have no doubt that quality welding was done: the other Elan’s chassis became whole again. My friend retains the bulk of the chassis, which may find additional use.

Everyone benefited. Everyone.
The other Elan owner has his car back on the street.
The guru was able to complete his work.
My friend made some money by selling the uprights to the guru.
I knew that my chassis served a good purpose.

My message: ask around. Someone may have a “donor” chassis. I have two caveats: 1. make sure that the person doing the work is qualified; 2. try not to use a “whole Elan” (one capable of being restored) as the donor (thus preventing restoration of the “whole Elan”).

Rich Boyd