For attention of steveww...

When you fitted your minilites did you ever consider 165x70 tyres? Do you think they would fit?


I did have a go with 175x70x13 which work out to have nearly the same rolling diameter as the standard 155x80x13, however they were way too wide. You might just get away with 165x70x13 if the body is on the subframe dead straight but it will be close. If you tyre fitter will let you the only sure way to know is to try a test fit.

If you change the rolling diameter of the tyre you will change the gearing of the car and the speedo will be even more out of true.

:unamused: I know I keep banging on about the Michelin XAS but they are a great tyre and IMHO the best thing you can fit. Not cheap but then quality never is.

minilites on order xas to follow :slight_smile:


Steve & Mark,

My XAS are here but still waiting for the wheels. Sould be here by weekend. :smiley:


Please post up some reviews of the XAS FF once you get them fitted.

I am curious to know where you obtained XAs tires. A few years ago I searched and they were no onger available in the US

Don Fysh

… Hi ,
Reading your comments on Minilite’s & tyres , I am able to say than 175/70 R 13 will never fit in , specially performance tyres like Yoko’s …
26R wings necessary .
On “Old English White” , I have 5’X13 Minilite’s and 165/70 R 13 Dunlop’s SP … Will have taken Michelin’s XAS FF in 155 if they weren’t so expensive (3X the price of the Dunlop’s , less miles but better grip and look)
About the avability of Michelin XAS FF , the creation of Michelin Collection range is the reason , and the return of the TB (road legal ) too.
And I confirm than even with 165 , it’s a real tight fit … (look pict in gallery)

I have seen 175x70x13 fitted to a S4. They were real tight but did fit - just.

IMHO it make the Elan look like a 4x4 with those big tyres.

I also have seen 175/70 x 13 fitted to a couple of S4 Elans. Its tight and dependent on getting the right wheel offset, small diameter rear springs and the right 175/70 that is not to wide.

175/60 x 13 are easier to fit and some narrow 185/60 x 13 will also fit (eg Hoosier street TD) if you dont mind the smalleer diameter. In these sizes you have a much better choice of performance tyres


I ran 175/70x13 on my S2 for a while, on Cosmic wheels. It was tight and there was a little rub at both front and back wheelwells, but they worked well enough for autocross. I had to cut back the outer portion of the lower rear spring seats and sort of bash them in around the springs. To get the 6" Cosmics on, I also had to grind off part of the heads of the bolts attaching the wishbones to the strut/bearing housings. My autocross days are over and I’m back to the original steel wheels with nondescript Michelin 155x13s, but I still have the Cosmics (now very corroded) and the ancient 70-series tires.