I’m toying with the idea of fitting a folding Webasto type folding sunroof to my plus 2, on which I’m currently performing a Spyder Zetec conversion. Does anyone have any experience of fitting these? Any pitfalls to be wary of or suppliers that you’d recommend? What about the effect on the cars structural rigidity?
All advice gratefully received!
Get yourself this months practical classics (spring issue). It features an article on fitting your own webasto sunroof which are still available new.
Paul Simm
I have just removed one out of my crashed +2 bodyshell. If you live near Beckenham Kent you can come have a look at how it went in.
Personally having lived with one for a few years I much prefer the look of the car without them. Having said that, they are nice once you are inside. They can add to wind noise though at speed though.
I am about to start building my replacement plus 2. I would love to do a Zetec, but sadly cannot afford it right now.
I will have the body off of my replacement car in the next couple of weeks so I will find out the truth about the chassis on that car then.
By the way, did you have any old plus two bits to sell? I have two cars at the moment so pretty much one of everything (that was not damaged in the crash) will have to go. I am wondering what prices you got for the engine and suspension etc?
Best of luck
Thanks for the advice Berni. I’m in Aylesbury so it’s a fair distance, but thanks for the offer - If I do decide to fit a sunroof I’ll take you up on it.
I ran a Triumph Vitesse as my everyday car a couple of years back with a webasto type sunroof and loved it – much more practical in my opinion than a full soft top. I do take your point though about the plus 2 looking better without so I’m still undecided about it!
I’ve sold a few bits and pieces from the plus two but not the twin cam engine and gearbox. One of the reasons I decided to convert to a Zetec was that my car was fitted with a Ford crossflow when I got it. I decided to go down the Zetec route and sold my perfectly good everyday car to help fund it… It’s not a cheap option though as you say and I’m going to have a go at spraying the car myself to cut costs a bit (how difficult can it be….!)
I did a bit of research on prices so as to gauge roughly how much to ask – I have a spreadsheet on my work PC showing advertised prices for various Plus 2 bits so if you’re interested and let me have your email address I’ll send you a copy… I found that I got the best prices on eBay by starting at a fairly low price and not setting a reserve – my twin Webers went for over ?200!
Good luck with the rebuild of your car. I’m at the stage where I have a rolling chassis and the body is nearly ready to fit, so I should soon have something resembling a car again!
<It?s not a cheap option though as you say and I?m going to have a go at spraying the car myself to cut costs a bit (how difficult can it be?)>
Not too bad having painted my S3 Coupe’ myself. Controlling dust is the most difficult, in may case impossible. If you decide to use two part, the Isocyanate catalyst is very hazardous. As it says on the can, “Will cause permanent neurological damage”. So a supplied air respirator is well advised.
Mike Geiger… Now with a valid excuse as to why I act the way I do
66 S3 coupe’
Thanks for the advice Mike. I’ve decided, after speaking to a few people who have sprayed their own cars, not to take it back to the gelcoat but to flat back the existing paint after making any neccessary repairs then prime and paint it in cellulose. The existing paint is mostly good with localised cracking around the door handles, the headight pods and one wheelarch so my thinking is that if I wait for some fairly warm weather (assuming we get any this year in the UK…) I should minimise the chances of getting moisture trapped.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
I have a +2s with one fitted from new (20k ago!), under the roof lining there is some nice woodwork to stiffen it up. They did a good job and it looks very neat on the inside. If you are up north you could have a look whilst it is dismantled.
Isn’t it the lotus show at donnington this weekend (27 & 28 March)? There may be a few on display.
I would be very interested in your experiences. I have got as far as getting the web address for webasto, and am now waiting to get some cash together…
PS my +2 already has a vinyl roof so the webasto should blend in pretty well
I would be very interested in your experiences. I have got as far as getting the web address for webasto, and am now waiting to get some cash together…
PS my +2 already has a vinyl roof so the webasto should blend in pretty well