Folding hood

I do have the hood folding instructions- but I cannot really make out how it supposed to be done.
Any videos of it out there?

I’m sure once I’ve seen it the instructions will make sense to me. But the diagram does not make it clear to me.


That would be a good series on utube for some British-car club. :smiley: I often see on Bring-A-Trailer people getting criticized for improper folding of the hood and they often have the damage to show for it.

Ha, ha! I keep this handy aide memoire in my Sprint, since I always seem to be forgetting things these days!

Although a Word document, it does have photos. I hope it helps you.

Folding Roof instructions a.doc (1.08 MB)

Thanks Tim!
That is perfect. I can see what the instructions really mean with pictures.

I will print and leave in car. I expect the hood will be down most of the time- but who knows?


Isn’t it recommended to store the car with it’s top up?

I imagine it is certainly better for the hood to leave it up and tensioned. After I am done with doing a work, I will put it back up until I start using it in 2-3 months. But I would speculate if folded correctly, it would be a lot better for it than if not done right.

When I had a 90s elan, I would leave the hood up. But it was about 20 seconds to drop it on that car.

I’ve never seen this recommended but it would certainly be nice to know the answer. Somehow it feels that the top would be better under tension but, of course, this leaves it exposed (to UV, weather, etc.) and all the stitching under stress. So who knows?

My top is very rarely raised and hasn’t been up for a couple of years now. When I do put it up it doesn’t seem to have suffered in any noticeable way. When lowering it I carefully fold it, with a towel covering the rear window area. So I hope it’s OK…


I always assumed that it would make the hood sag over time if it was left up and tensioned. That said, I store the hood in my boot rather than leave it connected and folded(crammed) inside the hood tonneau and the last time it was fitted and up was for the Elan picnic at Hethel in 2022, since then it’s been in it’s bag in the boot and the car has done a couple of thousand miles, not all of them dry :slight_smile:

I don’t like driving with the hood up unless it’s going to be a long trip.