Flexing steering column

Hi all,
The steering in my +2 (130/5, 1974) is really fantastic. However, the steering column is flexing a bit when I drive actively (and grip the wheel tight), which I could do without. Is this normal, or is there some part missing? (it flexes about a centimeter vertically)


I think this is relatively normal.

After all, the steering column is just bolted to Fibre Glass.

BUT…I know that Sean Murray has made a brace for his +2 to stiffen the whole lot up.

I think he may even have posted pics of the solution here.

Best of luck with the mods if you do decide on them.

Isn’t driving quickly about finese (spelling?) though?? :slight_smile:


I made up an ali plate and bolted it on the other side to the steering column main bracket… I also put a smaller plate on the lower U clamp. Reduced the movement quite allot.


Thanks Peter,

I couldn’t find the archive myself, so here it is again.

What I’ve done is to link the top and bottom column mountings with a length 1" hollow box tube, and carry this tube on to attach to a length of 3/4" angle wich runs across the bottom of the footwell. The 3/4" angle is drilled to take the two front pedal box studs.

The lower column mount is also linked to the rear of the pedal box, using some 16 gauge steel plate which is welded to the original steering bracket.

The handbrake mount is also linked in.

The result is a much increased stiffness in the steering and pedal box which is very confidence inspiring !

Drawing attached which should make this understandable.


Thanks very much!
I will save the drawing and see what I am able to do by myself!