Flat plate throttle body part Nos

I have in my possession a flat plate type throttle body which fits the twinc inlets and wondered if anyone could throw any light on it,the part numbers are


Thanks in advance

John :wink:

Donā€™t know the numbers, but they sound V. niceā€¦
Is it a tecalamet (sp?) system
When are you going to Donington?
Itā€™d be good to compare ideas about FI and the twincam again. Iā€™ve got some bike throttle bodies that I am hoping to convertā€¦

Iā€™m well on the way with the EFI,Iā€™ll bring my bits along and see you at the car at 12:00?

John :wink:
White plus 2, VWW 965F

OK doke

John, Tim
Come and have a chat with me at Donington.
I have just started messing around making up an inlet manifold for bike throttle bodies.
I also have two different old throttle bodies for a twink. One is made by ā€œT Jā€ induction systems. the other unknown one has an angled flange so it bolts to the engine at 45degrees.
I have not got the throttle bodies handy otherwise I could have brought them to Donington to show you.

Hi Clive,
Will bring the throttle bodies I have (from a CBR600).
I was thinking that a production run of flanges with a stub would probably be a good idea.

Iā€™ll bring the flat plate throttle body,the bike throttle bodies and the full kit (now finished) ready to bolt to the head which comprises stubs,throttle bodies,ISCV,air flow sensor,air temp sensor,throttle pot,fuel reg,fuel rail etcā€¦etcā€¦

John :wink: