I saw this product called ‘Flat Free’ on one of the home shopping channels (I was channel hopping). Has anyone used it? Is it any good?
It looked very impressive on the TV but I do not buy off of the TV as I have a job and am not married to my cousin (see Trisha (UK) or Jerry Springer (USA))
It is a fluid that you put via the tyre valve into the tyre and when an item puntures the tyre the fluid oozes out and hardens sealing the hole. I was thinking it would be really handy if you have alloys, as over time the bead fails to seal and you have to have the wheels refurbished or renew then.
I have seen the ‘instant spare’ stuff before which is just a foam that hardens in the tyre, but this is something different that is permanent.
It seems it is available on ebay or from certain firms on the web.
netparts.co.uk/store/index.p … MAodDV8Uwg
There are a couple of guys on the +2 posts that could have used it and I have a Mini Cooper that has a similar problem at the moment
Really I want to know if the seal lasts (my wife drives the car and I do not want to kill her just yet) and if the fuild un-balances the wheel???
Anyone know???