Fitting Door trims

Hi all

Can anyone help I have recently bought a +2 130/5 the door trims had been re-trimmed but not refitted please can someone tell me if the U shape at the top of the door trim fits into the widow slot only or just si on the top I have been messing about for days trying to fit them Tar

My '69 +2 has a piece that fits over the inner door edge. I think there are several small steel clips that hold it down. What U shaped area do you mean? Outside the door trim/panel?

Hello Howie and welcome to the forum.

The U-shaped section does fit into the recess next to the window glass. You may have to encourage it with a gentle fist with the door closed and it may not go in as far as you’d expect but I’ll send you some photos of the fitted article if you send me a PM (personal message) with your email address. Just click on the PM button below.

Best wishes,


Thanks Si

Oh hell that mean I have to take off the one I already have half on with all the loss of skin that will involve disconnecting & reconnecting the locking rods

thanks again