My car is a Series 3 DHC
I am trying to fit this door seal chrome end cap, but do not know how it fits.
I bought these some time ago from Sue but could not fit them at the time because I realised I had made the aluminium strip at the front edge of the hood tray too short.
I have corrected that and I can now cut or shape it as required, but still do not know how the caps fit or what holds them on.
I asked this question some time ago and someone posted a picture of the correct original system, which would have been very helpful.
Now I cannot find that photo in my post history.
So, apologies, but if you are there, can you please send it again, or will anyone else help with a photo of this.
Eric in Burnley
1967 S3SE DHC
Hi Craven,
That`s brilliant. Look at that, 43 minutes and I have an answer to a problem. What would we do without this forum.
I new it was something like that, but it still looks a bit untidy to me, so I did not know what to do.
2015 might have been about when I last asked the question.
I have saved it elsewhere this time.
Thanks again