Fitting a rollcage

Hi all
Anyone out there fitted a Tony Thompson rollcage? Same as a Safety Devices one.

Would like to know what needs to be cut, moulded, bent, shaped or fitted around. Does the hood tray need cutting to miss the diagonal rear bars? Anyone fitted spacers between the chassis and the cage itself ie at the chassis/body bobbins? can the rear carpeted cardboard still be used? Should it be fitted in “stress” on existing bobbins or should I drill new holes adjasent? body strengthening tie rods in the B(?) pillar are in the way! dont want to bend or cut them!

Had to cut a hole in rear wheelarch to fit side bars, front cage crossbar seems to line up nicely with bobbin.

It’s a tight fit - which is good - just looking for other peoples experiences.

In fact I’m beginning to answer my own questions and see some answers!



Just got my Elan back on the road etc etc.
During the rebuild I fitted a Spyder roll cage which came with the car when I bought it.
As you say everything is a tight fit, I had the roll bar in and out more times than enough, just making sure all was ok.
However I did not need to cut the hood tray, the rear brace bars fitted in nicely. What I did need to cut was the back board once covered with carpet, where it fits down the ‘B’ post, the sill board and carpet + back board and carpet the roll cage would just not go in (toooooo tight). So my solution was to cut a triangle off the lower part of the back board so it was hidden by the roll cage and the back board/carpet sat snugly against the roll cage more or less from top to bottom.
The ‘B’ post bars were not cut maybe only very slightly bent ( not much) when tightnening up all the bolts.
The roll cage picked up 2 original chassis bolts / bobbins and I had to make some spacers and drill 2 more holes for it all to bolt in nicely.
Oh yes had to cut 2 small holes in sill board to allow bolting there as well.
Hope this helps, (and makes sense) let me know if you would like to see some photo’s of what it looks like now.

Thanks doug, really helpful, I’ve asked a couple of dealers what they do, and they put my mind at rest too.

Seems that a tight fit is common, and spacers too. Barry Ely said a tension fit is normal, Paul Matty suggested a stud out from the rear turrets with spacers/ thick washers to ease the on/off there. And, if necessary the brace bars can be slightly bent or cut and tack welded back in a new position.

Strangley, I had a dream about the back board, the holes in the carpet and the rear diagonals!

If it’s not too much trouble, I’d love some pictures.
