Despite the recent debate on the desirability of having a servo, I would like to fit one - I have an S4 SE which would originally have had one, but no trace of it now, so I need to buy everything! For safety reasons and also cost reasons, I’d rather go with new stuff, rather than finding and rebuilding a pukka old Girling Mk2B that no-one is ever going to see.
Is there any reason not to use a remote brake servo conversion kit as readily available for the likes of MGB’s or TR4’s? Or for some other make/model? Is there a difference in the pipe fittings between Girling based systems and Lockheed ones? How about brake pipe diameter - what should it be? Anyone know the length of brake pipe needed (RHD Baby Elan, servo to be mounted in the nose)? And where is the vacuum pipe connected to? (the vacuum resevoir cum chassis tube? The headlamp T-junction off the front manifold? The blanked off hole on the back manifold (S4 with Strombergs)? Anything else I need to think about? (Other than whether I really want one - I know that!!!) Many thanks, Tony.
The vacuum pipe is taken off the front of the manifold via a T piece connection on my Elan, a 1970 S4 SE. I have a photo if you are interested which shows the arrangement - email me off line and I will send you a copy.
Delphi Lockheed remote servos for Elan& Plus Two are available from:
Classicar Automotive.
Unit A, Alderley Road
Cheshire SK11 9AP
Phone No. 0044 1625 860910
Fax 860925
There is a difference between the Elan and +2, the Elan has a boost of 1.9:1, the Plus Two is 3:1 .
The connections for Lockheed and Girling are the same.
I to would go with the Delphi option. It is easy to fit and seems to be pretty good. The only point to make is to be sure to mount the servo within the specifed angles otherwise it is a complete pig to bleed the system.
Mine is not mounted at a steep enough angle so I am now onto the 3rd break-bleed which is slowly bringing the pedal back!
Thank you all for your replies so far - I have been onto Classicar Automotive and will probably go with them.
A further question, though, (having said it wasn’t an issue…). What are your views on the boost ratios? For an Elan, is the Elan’s at 1.9:1 enough of an improvement over no servo and would putting in a +2 one (3:1) be much too much? I know this may be down to personal taste - let’s say I like to feel I have powerful brakes, but equally I don’t want to be nose into the windscreen at the very slightest touch. All thoughts and comments welcome, please.
A DAFT QUESTION… I bought a remote Lockheed servo and am busy fitting it - but I can’t decide which of its two hydraulic connections goes to the Master Cylinder and which to the brake “junction” (i.e. towards the calipers). I know it’s a daft question, but please help me anyway!!! Thanks to all, Tony.
The fluid (from the m/cyl) is fed into the hydralic cyl at the side and is pumped to the brakes from the end of the cylinder.
Send me your email and I will send you a diagram (from a fitting kit)