First time in an Elan

Do you recall how you first got drawn into the lotus elan ‘web’? For me it was a fellow students elan in Oxford in 1972. It was a white series 2 DHC registration HYH2C. The cars owner was a bit of a playboy and fast cars and fast women mean’t he failed his exams. I drove that car from Oxford to Barcelona and from that moment on I was determined to own one. In 1973 his mother bought him a brand new BMW2002 and he offered me the Elan for ?500. I tried to raise the money but being a poor impoverished student it was just impossible. I eventually got my elan in 1980. I would love to know if HYH2C still exists. Anyone on here own it?


Firstly according to the DVLA enquiries website HYH 2C still exists and is currently licensed on the road and is Red in colour. Next tax disk is December 2009, so thats really good news that she is still around (if you didn’t already know?).

I was first smitten by a Lotus Elan +2 when I was 8 years old (1968) one of the very first cars drove past my school when I was waiting just inside the railings for my dear old Mum to collect me, it was French Blue in colour and made the most delicious noise I had ever heard in my young life. I said ‘COR!!!’ (we didn’t say wow back then in South London) and my jaw didn’t drop lower until my first girlfriend took her bra off and let me play windscreen wipers 8 years later :laughing:

Good luck with the search HYH 2C is most likely owned by a Club Lotus member, maybe join up and make an enquiry if you are not already a member.


Hi Gareth! It’s bern a long time. Yes, we had lots of fun with HYH 2C - when she was running… I can’t remember you driving to Barcelona with me though. You’ll be pleased to hear that I got serious regarding studying and even ended up with an MSc in Management from Imperial. Am stilla big car fan and often think back to the wild days in the Elan. I would love to receive a pic of her!

All the best, Wolfgang

I remember my time really well and in fact wrote a story about it for the Lotus Ltd magazine Remarque.

You can see the article at

right at the top of the page is “MY STORY” . If you want me to post yours, just send it to me.

Tony V

my first ride was in 81 I was “flabbergasted”! it was winter, dry streets and mine was a gr.4 racing car with awful hand-knit body work and avon race wets, took the ricken pass home. the car: almost as bad as that ugly red and white kelvedon sports 1975?! PS - with so-called garage plates you can almost drive anything here: no slicks! sandy