Finished resto'

Hi All,
Thought you might like to see the finished car. 1 year exactly and
20K+ GBP later. :confused:

     I think it was worth it. Convincing my wife is another story.     :laughing: 

     Lambrettas' are def' cheaper!

Cheers all. Have fun.

Alex B…


A grand job, well done. She looks fabulous. Enjoy the driving now.

Any shots of the engine?


Another set of pics. I will post engine shots asap.


Alex, the car looks great! What brand hood is fitted?

Greg Z.
'72 Sprint

Couple of engine shots.

While I am on. Anyone have the correct wire clip for the airhose to airbox, And top hose etc? (sorry about the electronic fan control but needs must) :unamused: :unamused:

What foam for bonnet to radiator seal? :unamused:

AB… :sunglasses:

Congratulations Alex.
It looks stunning and it has been a joy to follow your progress.
I got my foam strip for the bonnet from Sue Miller, it’s just soft foam about 50x50 mm in square.

Hi men…

        Thanks.  That hood is going to be changed. It is a cheepo plastic version, but I admit it fits quite well.  It was on the wreck ..sorry  car! when I got it. I am thinking a nice mohair replacement, so I may sell this p.v.c. one. It was brand new when I got the car.

        I hand filled the carbs from a little device this am and it started 2nd touch    :slight_smile:    So an electric pump to fill them 1st is the answer I supose.  :confused: 

Have fun.

Alex B…


You did a super job on this. Now go out and enjoy it. you should come to find out that driving them is as fun ( if not more ) that working on them.


Finished? No such concept with an Elan, surely… but it does look terrific. I’ve enjoyed following the progress too. Congratulations. It’s lovely.



You can still get the twin wire hose clips. If I remember correctly, I got some from a Ford specialist (Cortina/Escort?) some time ago.


Wow.Looks terrific. Blue over white is surely the best colour combination - much tastier than the common red over white - like mine! Now get out there and get it dirty!


Looks fabulous - imagine how much it would have cost if you hadn’t done a lot of the work yourself! Surely your wife appreciates all that hard work!

I’m still a little way behind you - I look forward to the day, perhaps, when I can park alongside you and take a pic of a Lagoon Blue FHC and DHC Sprint together!

Are you taking yours to Donnington? It would look great inside on one of the stands [ how about a stand?] for us to drool over.



I am up in Wormit and hope to have my S4 SE ready for the spray shop in the summer. Can you tell me who sprayed your elan.

As for the wire clips for the air pipe, I just bought some of E Bay a couple of days ago.

They are a bit tight but they are okay.

Let me know if you want the link as he did have some more sets available.


Hi All,
Richard, I am going to Donnington if I can. Not sure about using the elan for the trip.It has a shakedown to come yet b4 I head off into the blue.Still to see what falls off. :laughing: I would be an idiot to think I got it all dead on 1st try.

   Ian. Yes send me the link pls. Answer to question re paint job....

The body underwent a complete restoration by a specialist grp body shop. They are called option 1, and are based near Birmingham. Google them for more info’. They refit all the panels (doors/bootlid/bonnet ) to get better fit. The entire body was re-laid with scrim(?) glassmat and re gelled. etc. No filler is used!
The finish is unbelievable. And it’s warranted. :slight_smile:

Not cheap though. Allow 5.5 -6 k gbp for the work.


Any idea of the name for the Company Re Wire clips. I am thinking visiting a srappy to have a look. The large dia one might be a pig to get there though. :confused:

AB… :sunglasses:

Rimmer bros do the wire hose clips, but be warned, they do not have as much adjustment as jubilee clips so you need the right sizes.

The Sprint looks fantastic, an inspiration in what can be achieved with time and dedication.

Great. Thanks Mark.I will carefully measure up.

Alex B… :sunglasses:

:smiley: Superb job Alex - congrats

It was following your thread that spurred me into action on my sprint rebuild

The bodyshell comes back this weekend

Enjoy the fruits of your hard work



Just wish to join all the others who applaud your efforts. What a fine example of the marque you have there!

Hope to be able to see it in the flesh one day…


The wire hose clips for the trunking are availiable from any of the normal Lotus specialists for a few pounds. The wire hose clips for the top and bottom hoses as seen here: … ght=#88099

are from canley classics or Leacy MG in Birmingham. Both have web sites.

They are all easy except for the one that clamps the bottom hose to the front cover. That one was definitely from Leacy.

If you are desperate I’ll make you a set up from the ones I’ve got.
