I’m new to the group and was very happy to stumble across this forum. I read through the previous posts and was very happy to find so much useful information on the Elan.
I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction of finding out more information about an older Elan S1. I am seriously considering buying a 1964 Elan S1 (my first) from a gentleman in New York, but I haven’t been able to track down much info/history on this specific car. He gave me what he thought was the chassis number from the engine compartment (G11N 026/3884,)and I was hoping that someone here could (1) tell me if it is the correct format for the chassis number and (2) If this number will be able to tell me anything significant about the car.
One other concern I have is that he said the car has been sitting for around 30 years and he has no paper work (including title). Has anyone had experience buying a car in one state (in this case New York) and titling it in another (in this case Michigan) with no original title or registration - only a bill of sale.
contact the lotus factory and provide them with the chassis number. they can tell you build date, color and where the car was shipped/sold. 26/3884 is correct form. 26 is the number designation for elan dhc and is the 884th car built. it is a late S1 (round tail lights) or early S2 - sometimes known as the S one and a half! i have 26/3777 built in july 1964. ive never bought an untitled car but understand that getting a salvage title with good bill of sale is not difficult. sounds like a project so go in with your eyes open. best of luck. mike
Hello Nick, are you still out there? According to Mike Taylor’s book, Lotus Elan The Complete Story, that number doesn’t exist? I’ve got a LHD S1 and it’s CHN0 260520, does anyone know when they started putting a 3 in front of the production number, is this the unit number? mine is 3463. This book says at 3901, the S2 was introduced. I’m confused…
Looks like it is OK as if the plate is like mine it’s hand punched for CH.NO. 26/ then hand engraved for the unit number. Doesn’t take too much imagination to make G11N 026/xxxx look like CH.NO. 26/xxxx as it should appear if your not sure what you are looking at. Well, I hope so, 'cos that’s how mine looks!
Hello Roy, I think you’re right. I’ve since learned, early Elans didn’t have matching unit and chassis numbers. (CHN #) My unit number is the “serial number”
I am a new member of the forum and wonder if there is a registry. My father and I had a '64 Elan S1, 26/3778, from 1966 to 1968 and I have wondered whether it still is out there somewhere. We bought it in Lombard, IL, from Carrera Motors and were told that the previous/original owner was Dudley Davis of Wisconsin, the lawyer for the midwest Lotus distributor. I think he also was the original owner of the Lotus 7 that Peter Egan once had. It had three tail lights, and had been painted BRG over the original ~robin’s egg blue. It was the most used two-year old car I have ever had. The biggest problem was the starter ring gear. Nevertheless, it was great fun and I would like to have one again.