Finally on plates!

My +2S130 got its registration plates today, after about three hours with the authoroties.
No problem, just the fact that I had gone to the wrong station - so they had to send the paperworks to another station for a second opinio…

Now I can drive my +2 whenever I want :wink:


kom det mange til deg ig?r`? Jeg var ikke hjemme fra jobben f?r 19 og ble skremt av regnskyllet…:slight_smile:

(sorry about the Norwegian folks)

20 Lotuser i hagen og tre i garasjen. :smiley:

En r?d +2 (Martin Rynning), 1967

Masse regn, det b?ttet ned. Men; 11 Seven eiere kom frem relativt v?te - og et par av Elise f?rerene var t?ffe og kom frem som druknede katter…

Should have been there… :wink:

Pr?vde ? laste opp et bilde fra garasjen isted, men n? er det ikke synbart lenger… Ser du det :question:

Another try to upload picture from my garage…

Well,I don’t know what you were saying but from the photo I’d agree…

John :wink:

He he, nice to use our own language from time to time :wink:

We were just writing about a Lotus gathering in my garden last night.
We established Norwegian Lotus Register,and I had more than 20 Loti (?) in my garden yesterday evening.
Only one +2S in addition to mine, and one Europa. The rest were Sevens (both Caterham and Lotus) and Elises.

Some pictures can be found at