Hello All,

I am pleased to announce that we have finally finished our thermostat housing filler neck, similar to the one that Clive Boy use to offer to the forum. We have not drilled and threaded our neck to take a fan switch as we prefer to place our Lucas type fan switches in the radiator tanks or top hose adapter. We will shortly have a high pressure filler cap, without the recuperation valve operating on it so your current radiator cap can effectively be blocked off and the thermostat housing and cap fitted. From memory the Clive Boy neck cost ?85 to members. Our full cost is ?70 and forum members will buy at ?60 The standard 13 pounds cap for the neck will cost ?12.00 and the 18 pound high pressure cap with the fixed recuperation valve will cost ?17 all prices are inclusive of UK sales tax.


Steve (AKA MR Cool :sunglasses: )

Looks interesting.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is the reason for using this as opposed to filling the cooling system from the radiator? I assume it has something to do with moving the highest point in the cooling system so air can escape?


You have it in one :smiley: .

Good One Steve !

Presumably , we can still use our existing 7lb/10lb ( factory recommended ) recouperating cap ( & recouperating bottle ) , on your new thermostat housing ?

Cheers ,

Paul .


Thanks for getting these made. How do I go about buying one?

So, if you fit one of these, what?s the recommended thing to do with the existing cap fitting on the radiator?
Take it to a radiator specialist and get the complete old cap fitting removed and blanked off or just fit a non pressure relief cap and plug the pipe that goes to the recuperator bottle. Interested for my plus 2 as there is minimal clearance between the radiator cap and the bonnet. I?ve been looking at alloy radiator from a golf as an option and it doesn?t have a cap on it so maybe this is the solution?

I fitted one from clivey boy with a wide spitfire radiator. I had radiator modified to remove the filler neck and rotate the inlet and outlet to fit the +2. Gives more clearance to the bonnet and allows the radiator to be mounted slightly more forward.

…what I done (with twin fans and a Revotec controller)

That looks nice, very neatly done!

G’day Steve

I was wondering if you still have the thermostat/filler housing available and if so what would the cost be now and how much to ship to Australia.


Top tip (as I see you are new to the forum). Quoting the forum member’s post you want an answer from will notify them and they are more likely to see your question.

Welcome aboard


I have been using a Clivey Boy version of the thermostat housing for a long time. I recently got an appropriate pressure testing kit and I am now finding my replacement blanking cap is not sealing correctly.

Looking online I am thinking I have a locally sourced replacement blanking cap (Motorad T3) with too small a diameter flat rubber seal. I see the blanking cap that Jaguar and Mini part suppliers have listed has a larger rubber gasket.

I have attached a couple of photos to show the gaskets I am talking about.

What cap do you recommend or supply for the thermostat neck?

In case the new Mini type cap doesn’t resolve my sealing issue, do you still supply the cast housing?

Thanks in advance.

I maybe missing understanding what your doing but to pressure test the system you need to seal at the lower sealing face down the neck.

There is the overflow bottle take off between the lower and upper sealing faces that will cause a leak if just pressurizing on the top surface.

The standard radiator cap has two seals the main one on the lower spring mounted surface (with drain back valve) and the upper seal. The upper seal is just there to ensure an fluid lost due to expansion flows to the bottle rather than being lost.

My setup is a bit different from stock, using a pressurized expansion tank similar in configuration to BMW or Volvo practice. The nipple on the thermostat neck is at pressure and run to the expansion bottle. The expansion bottle has a lower hose connection back to the water pump suction, basically forming a small diameter coolant circuit in parallel with the heater circuit that continuously removes any bubbles in the coolant. A full pressure blanking cap is required with this setup.

Pretty sure my old cap (since lost or thrown out) worked OK for a long while in this manner, but started leaking when the system would pressurize as it heated up. At any rate, the replacement T3 cap definitely doesn’t work, basically turning into Niagara Falls as soon as the thermostat opens.

Hoping the Mini type cap will work, but not sure. Note their description sounds promising…. … rc201.html

Interestingly, at risk of answering my own question, I checked the call up references in the description above. The QUINTON HAZELL FC57 looks to have a full diameter rubber seal whereas the British Leland MRC57 has a seal diameter similar to the T3 I have. … cap-206900

On a different question, I saw in an archived thread that your Plus 2 uses a full width radiator with modified nipples. Did you get your setup to fit with brake booster(s) installed? My Federal car has two boosters; maybe you have only one?


Hey Stu,

Oh, thats makes sense and explains the different caps.Have you thought about making your own seal to go in one of your existing caps? You’ll likely need right thickness of seal to match depth of the cap and its engagement on the filler neck.

My car is UK model, it had single circuit brakes with no booster when I got it. I’ve since swapped out to dual circuit un boosted. So afraid I can’t really help. I’d assume if the booster in the nose doesn’t protrude into the bracket on the side of the radiator you’d be fine but I don’t know.

I suspect that at some point during production there were cars with dual booster + wide radiator so can probably be made to work.


Thanks Mark. I think I see my confusion now.

The wide radiator I was trying to fit is a side tank design I got from Ray at RD. Picture below.

I am guessing your radiator started life looking more like the top & bottom tank model shown below? That might actually fit with the top nipple modified to point straight back.

I am presently using a locally recored narrow radiator and it appears to have enough capacity if I can get the leaks sorted.


Hi Stu,

My radiator is the just the standard wide radiator, with top tanks. Technically it’s a spitfire radiator, with inlet and outlet rotated and the filler neck removed and blanked off.

The inlet is quite far in board on it so likely not far away from the narrow radiator inlet position, which I think had the inlet on the corner. So I think you could fit the wider radiator with out an issue.

The narrow radiator is just a later spitfire unit. I guess lotus switched to them as they were cheaper or more available than the wider radiator.


To Stu
Thanks for the advice regarding including the quote but how do I go about doing that

Just press the blue Quote button on the upper right of the post you wish to include. It will add a quoted copy of the selected post to the top of your “post a reply” window. Type your post below the quoted text and Bob’s your uncle, your post should look like this one.

The other forum option is to Private Message (PM) the member you are after. Not sure of the details, but I think you need to have made a minimum number of public posts (like four or five) before the PM system will work for you. Or perhaps just go to the Cool Experts web site to ask your important question directly I guess.

My new caps are in the mail now and hopefully that will solve my issue.

Cheers and welcome to the forum.


G’day Steve

I was wondering if you still have the thermostat/filler housing available and if so what would the cost be now and how much to ship to Melb. Australia.