Festoon bulbs

Can anyone tell me where I can buy the small festoon bulbs that go in the indicator repeaters on the wings of a '68 Elan S4. They are 35mm long, and 3 volt. I can find suppliers for bigger bulbs, but not the smaller ones.

Dont know where you are? But “Vehicle Wiring Products” do a range. They are near Derby. Are you sure they are not 3 watt. Just looked in manual, they are 3 watt.

tel 0115 9305454.


Thanks for reply. I’m in North Yorks, but get to Derby quite a lot. I’ll check them out. Yes 3 watts is correct of course - I posted query too early on a Sunday morning!!

In my experience 36mm is the nearest standard size for wing repeater festoons and they fit OK. Try and get 6/36 festoons (6 mm diameter, 36 mm long) - if the diameter is too big, the bulb won’t fit the contacts and clear the base of the lamp unit.

Check abman.co.uk/catalogue/wb268.jpg - they have a list of UK distributors on the website too.