Fasten window washer jets

Twink is finally back from workshop, fully rebuild, and work is progressing to get the +2 back on its wheels during a week or so. If no more surprises shoes up…

The little windscreen washer jets has come loose, and I can’t get ‘inside’ (below?) the ventilation channel to fasten it.
Is there any smart tricks around ??

Do you have the single unit with two nozzles mounted at the body centerline? This is the arrangement on my +2 and I can reach the securing nut by removing the ventilation inlet grilles, just barely.

Yes, it’s the same item - but I can not reach it, no way :frowning:

Guess my hands are too fat, then. Better ask my kid to do it for me :unamused:

Thanks for the answer, I now know there is no other ‘smarter’ way to do it.

My hands can just barely reach in there so I expect that it would be impossible for many of us.

I managed to remove the old washer jet - not too difficult as there were no nut…

Unfortunately I have no matching nut in the garage, so I’ll have to get hold on a new unoriginal jet tomorrow. Temporarily, that is…

I still see the problem tightening the nut though, my hand was stuck while plugging out the water hose… How on earth will I manage to fit a nut - and even mor; how do I tigthen it…? Big challange tomorrow…