fastback elan

i dont want to upset anyone with my first post but is it possible to create a fastback elan?
is there a grp kit with glass fot the fastback or do you have to hire someone like shapecraft (which i would assume is prohibatably expensive) and therefore out of the question.

OK---- dont you start with me :laughing:-glass work isnt hard -ask about resin mixture --mat wieght -clean up --start small and work up to a project that large —ed

Hello jiminy, is it true your last name is cricket?

Elan’s are rare , cute enough , Shapecraft’s versions not so practical if faster … Never been design to be overloaded .
… Buy a Capri , a Scimitar oe and keep this Elan standard if still on piece! This 'll cost you about the same and save 2 cars !
Do not add to the confusion …
:arrow_right: For sure , the next one will ask for the delivery van version drawings …
We should have destroy them ! :wink:

Why not build one of these?

not to my taste, thanks
i was thinking of something a little more elagant

if i bought a classic, i want one whos body will not rust

…altho’ the words elan and elegant share many letters, to think an elan could become elegant by adding a fastback, or even that goofy lancia front end… come on… the word minimalistic is what the elan is all about. Elegance weighs a lot.

let me take you back in time to the 1964 geneva motorshow where a specil bodied elan (fastback) was shown.
Shapecraft also did one.

Thats all the fastbacks i know about, if it was ok to do it then it is ok to do it now. (i cant find much info on either of these so sugestions would be welcome)

Could you save the negative comments for people who strip and sell elans piecemeal, not for me who is interested in returning a neglected car to where it truly belongs.


:smiley: Hi Jiminy,
No problems with your interest in returning an Elan in his “original & true form” ; this will be fair enough work and 'll save the value of the car .
Maybe your Elan is one of these “original period fastback modified” !?!
If not:
As a car designer , I can only add than my comment still stand ; Buy another car if you need a fastback . Or , if you want to have your design , build your own from a Fiesta .To late to play with .
This is my advice . Advice only . Others will think differently , maybe.
:arrow_right: BTW , you are still free to read , follow , or start to ruin your neglected Elan. But we are also free to read , comment the way we want every of your posts, if not stop by our webmaster … These are forum’s rules! :wink:
Cheers ,

geeez --what pretty little coupe that blue car is --nicely balaced lovely - soft lines ----did some one say it was a Lancia ?? -any over here for sale ??----I could live with that ----ed [26R -s2 -33] :laughing:

People buy cars to enjoy, Elans are to be enjoyed as they are or to be made into what the owner wants. I believe that it started a long time ago, Peter Kirwan-Taylor put a styled body on his MkVI, Ghia did it to the Eleven, Shapecraft did it with the Elan as well as 2 estates that were done by someone else. The plus 2 has recently been turned into an estate also and the multitude of plus 2 that were converted into convertables. Someone is making a Europa intto a convertable or maybe just a roadster. I forgot about the Elan coupes that have been changed to DHC’s. So Whats the big deal about the owner changing his Elan into something that he wants? After all the Elan may be the most modified car ever built after they left Lotus.




Jiminy, what year Elan do you own that you’re thinking about chopping into a fastback?


The blue fast back looks like the Frua Elan. The Swiss Lotus importer commissioned a one-off styling project and showed it at the Geneva Motor Show in 1964. It took three years to actually get onto the road after the show, according to one account. However the Frua had a larger and squarer rear window and rear three-quarter windows behind the doors.

About this time Ian Walker also produced a one off fast back for a Swiss customer and maybe this is the blue car above.


Looks like the Frua Elan to me as well…pinched the front end styling from a Gordon-Keeble. Frua also did an E-Type, which was absolutely hideous…so not even the top designers get it right.

Here’s the Ian Walker Racing lightweight Elan coupe, which looks very pretty I think…not elegant though :stuck_out_tongue:

What the heck is that Europa hovercraft thing???

Look again at the back end of that blue Elan guys, then check the shots from Geneva 1964.

Btw, some fastback Elan shots over in the gallery; and a conundrum re the “one-off” IWR Coupe!!! :smiling_imp:

When you’ve all stopped guessing I’ll tell you what I think.

Pete. :stuck_out_tongue:

The back end looks the same, but the front and the middle are different…extra side window. I’m confused now :confused:

The black one looks fantastic though!

i dont actually own an elan, but i like the plus 2, i saw a pic of the frua elan (not the blue car) and wondered if it was possible to do something similar to that or a shapecraft as i have loved fastbacks since seeing a fastback mustang