Failsafe vacuum cylinder

Looking for plus 2 failsafe vacuum cylinder, all usual suppliers out of stock. Im in the uk.
Dont really want to convert to powered.
Heres hoping, thanks Alan.

When last I checked it was cheaper to buy a used electric motor and convert than to buy a new actuator.

I have a new unused 36B1664 failsafe cylinder on US west coast. PM if interested.

Update: SOLD

As new, needs a wire brush and re-paint.

PM sent

Alan, you beat me to the ‘Has anyone got a spare…?’ post :slight_smile:

But, has anyone got a spare?

After years of the lights staying down well on my fail safe Plus 2, they started to pop up more and more regularly over the past few weeks.

Checked all the pipes early June. All OK.

So, Vacuum Cylinder out on the weekend…(I last changed this 19 years ago).

I may have found the leak…

Thanks in advance,

nah… 'tis but a scratch :laughing:

Hi Peter,
They are hard to find now, i have one on its way hopefully will sort my problem.

Try RDent (.com) here in the States… says “Please contact us for current price and availability.” on their website…

May do.

Thank you Phil :slight_smile:

I have this brand new never used one $225 Plus shipping.

Ted, pm sent