Switches on my dash are all faded to grey…anyone any ideas on restoring to black?
Go to you’re local auto shop and buy a bottle of black bumper restorer. Paint it on the switches with a fine paint brush, allow to dry and then polish.
Susan Miller recommends old-fashioned brake fluid.
Not the new stuff, though.
Either remove or mask off; degrease & spray with satin black paint.
Mine still look good after 8 years.
It’s actually Silicone brake fluid you need, not normal, just rub it on & it should last for ages.
Good luck.
I’ve found metal polish works great. “Brasso” or “Silvo” are two I’ve tried with success. Also found they work great on all sorts of plastic parts from Bakalite to clear lenses.
You should find what you want from Cetem I have had to do a lot of plastic polishing(jukebox’s) it take time ,I used 1500 wet/dry then white polishing compound from
cetempolishing.co.uk/shop.ht … et=d4.html
On a mop with the switches removed do check with a meter that the switch is ok and give them a wash out with switch cleaner
Tip if you need to take a switch apart do it in a plastic clear bag little springs can go a long way and use a fiberglass pencil to clean terminal or brown envelope with switch cleaner.
search.ebay.co.uk/search/search. … ass+pencil
Bloomin’ 'eck Neil,
with that you make my “spray job” sound a bit slap happy.
I relegate myself right now to Junior League.
The grey is a very thin oxide layer that develops as UV light attacks the plastic. It is usually worse on the switches used the least. Any sort of fine polish will remove it and leave the orginal black plastic underneath shining again use something formulated for plastics to avoid the polich damaging the good material underneath
I just use Kiwi black boot polish on a cotton bud from time to time. Works a treat.