I am in the process of installing a new dash in an early (1969) +2, the one with toggle switches. The dash I bought has an additionnal hole between the tachometer and speedo at a low level directly beneath the handbrake warning light. I think it might be for the heated screen warning light. Can anybody confirm this and /or suggest what I might put in its place as I don’t have a heated screen in my car.
I would and have put an oil pressure warning light in my dash. Easy to plumb in and can save an engine…no idea what was there, my fed. +2 has neither hole.
I thought the workshop manual might show something up, hwoever, although figure 57 in section M describes the layout you have with toggle switches and handbrake warning light it doesn’t show either a heated rear screen swtich or warning light for it. What I do see thoguh on the diagram for my car is that some of my gauges and warning lights are in completely different places. Has anyone else foudn there car doesnt match the figure in the workshop manual?
I used to have an extra hole w/ toggle switch to get around a wiring fault which will be corrected with the rebuild. Unfortunately my brother recreated the hole in the new dash so I need to find another use for it.
No its directly below the handbrake warning light between the speedo and tach. The attach picture show a photo I found on the web and shows the light directly above the steering column.
I’ve been through my Plus2 piccies and it seems most early cars have the light above and between the tacho/speedo and not the bottom light. The couple that did have both had what looked like a green light down below with the upper light being orange. Later cars don’t seem to have either lights in that position. Don’t know what this all means bt I hope it is of some help.
My car does not have this hole but looking at you pic it is clearly a bulb, so what is it for?
Looking in the Service Parts list it could be:
Parking brake (this was an option on the +2 non-federal)
Brake Fail (Test switch - brake fail warning is listed)
Hazard warning (+2 non-federal did not have)
Rear Screen (No listing for +2 non-federal)
So it looks like you have numbers 1 and 2.
I only had one hole which I think was red, my indicator light in the gauge was no good so I removed the red light and replaced it with an amber one, rewiring it to the indicator flasher.
Thanks for that but my problem is that my car does no have a light in that position. However the new dash that I am trying to fit does have that extra hole. I’m after some idea of what I should fill the hole with. The best idea that been suggested so far is an oil pressure warning light. My other thoughts include a cooling fan running light or an over temperature light. (my fan thermostat does have two switch points one at approx 78 degC and the other about 82)
Given the two switches, why not fit a two colour LED within a classic looking light body, thus giving the ability to show normal temperature, say green, and over temperature, say red?
You could also consider fitting a warning light for say the fog lights, or low oil pressureas you have already said, of what about a low fuel light?
Personally I am about to install four extra warning lights into a radio blanking piece, the four being:
Front fog lights
Rear Fog Lights
Front driving lights (although they are useless)
Rear brake lights working
The radio being substituted for an amp and an MP3 player connection.