Finally got round to fitting the new big bore exhaust manifold (header) to my Elan S4. Luckly the chasis rail only needed to be ground back a little After numerous test fittings it is now ready to paint.
Being a large bore item the clearance for the fixings is a little tight. If I remember correctly it has been suggested that socket head screws are used, should I use stainless or regular steel ones?
I use regular steel ones, liberally coated with loctite 771 nickel antisieze. I have also started using high temperature silicone sealant on the gaskets this seals much better than the traditional exhaust sealants.
The exhaust pipe and flange for the first 25mm or so does not get to hot as cooled by the water cooling in the cylinder head.
In the U.S. you can get AN Jet nuts MS21042 that have a 5/16 fine thread that that have a 3/8 outer hex, these are all steel lock nut that makes it a lot easier dealing with installing and removing in tight quarters.