Exhaust main pipe mounting - Vibration cause?

… there seems to be a metal bracket linking the exaust mainpipe to the chassis without any rubber inbetween .
has anyone tried putting a rubber strap or rubber bobbin & has this been found to reduce the vibration in the cockpit?

Shouldn’t be done :unamused:

Which point of the chassis is it attached to ?

You should have a solid metal attachment to the gearbox bracket, (often missing), this takes a lot of stress off the front Y-pipes joints and manifold bolts :slight_smile:

Everything else should have rubber :mrgreen:

Is there a source of the often-missing bracket (my car came without one) or can someone post a diagram/picture?

Hi John,
The attached pic shows the bracket and clamp on my S4…any help ? Unfortunately I don’t have a pic of the bracket off the car.

I originally didn’t have this bracket (didn’t know any better!) and was mystified as to why the exhaust manifolds kept cracking at the welds… The picture in situ shows the second bit of the bracket which is also difficult to get hold of. The bit I have shown bolts onto the gearbox, so keeps the exhaust manifold steady in relation to the engine, so any flex has to occur further down the pipe, where there should be flexible mountings

There was a supply of NOS on ebay a year or two ago, but they seem to have dried up…


susan miller sells 'em - she had some made up …

i must say that’s a very smart & clean underside to your S4 - wish mine was that straight!

the viration is around 1000 rpm and is annoying !
i guess this isn’t the problem 'cos that’s how mine is rigged up …

Hi Rich,
Thanks for the complement on my underside ! The refurb is ongoing and the car not yet on the road which is why it’s so clean. One day fairly soon I may even drive it again after 22 years off the road.

Hi Guys,

       Yep, Susan Millar sells a very nicely made copy which fits a treat. Not to expensive either..

Alex B…