Does anyone here have experience running an Elan at Laguna on a 90dB day?
Please let me know if it is possible and what exhaust worked for you.
i’d say there’s loads of british companies (TTR e.f.) who have one of those large (8inch dia.), ugly monsters!! sandy — i have to be very cautious driving thru the city with my own, TUNED original and corrosion free system off of ebay!! sandy
A lot of noise reduction can be accomplished with a simple turn added to the end of the muffler, pointing away from the sound meter. Another source of noise is from the induction system. If you have bare air horns exposed from the Webers, they can tip the sound meter against you. Better to use an airbox over the air horns.
Is that a static or drive by?
David Anderson, member of GGLC runs his Elan Sprint frequently at Laguna. As posted earlier, a stock airbox over the Webers or Strombergs with hose to the air filter in the nose, a turnout for the tailpipe to drivers left will go a long way to meeting the requirements. 90dBA is pretty close to stock exhaust level. Overcast days, especially fog will affect sound readings too. The overall noise level of your entire car determines whether you are black flagged for noise, not just exhaust.
The sound shack and microphone at Laguna is on drivers’ right, between Turns 5 and 6 before the bridge.
Please PM me if you would like Dave’s contact info.
It’s drive by, going uphill at wide open throttle in second at max revs or upper midrange of third gear.