What is the minimum clearance on a correctly installed standard system, assuming level ground, please?
According to mine, it’s a fraction over 3 inches, and it occurs some 5-6 inches behind the gearbox drain hole.
What is the minimum clearance on a correctly installed standard system, assuming level ground, please?
According to mine, it’s a fraction over 3 inches, and it occurs some 5-6 inches behind the gearbox drain hole.
Do you mean clearance from the ground or chassis? I always have trouble with the latter if I install the exhaust lying on my back - it vibrates on the chassis down near the diff. Re-installing on a ramp when I can stand up helps and I think its about having the strength/leverage to get the mid pipe far enough into the Y-piece. If you meant ground clearance, I’d be happy to measure mine tomorrow if no-one else knows the complete answer before then.
I’m after ‘ground’ clearance. What is the lowest point of the exhaust system (ie nearest the ground)?
But I agree regarding the Y piece. If I have a clearance problem, then I think it does relate to the way the intermediate pipe is fitted to the ‘Y’.
Please measure.
I can’t claim to have the perfect installation, but the min ground clearance on my exhaust (ignoring the clamps) is 105mm (or about 4 1/4 inches). This point is actually on the Y-piece itself, on a line directly below where the windscreen wipers emerge from the body shell.
From your description of the location of your low point, and the size of it, I would hazard a guess that the mid pipe is twisted in the Y-piece. If your mid pipe is the same as mine, it has a kink in it about a foot from the front. If the pipe is not correctly aligned in the Y-piece, then that kink will not lie flat and will be lower or higher than ideal. Maybe.