Exact Locations of Tonnneau Poppers on an S3?

My S3 was coverted from FHC to DHC by Kelvedon in the 80s. Lovely job they did too. However I?m lacking the popper studs for a tonneau cover. (I have the studs at the back for the normal roof)

Please could I ask if anybody has a template, or failing that where should the studs go? I know there is supposed to be one on each door and I guess also some on the crash pad?

A few photos would be great. Ultimately I?ll buy a tonneau from Sue and measure from that but for now it would be good to know how many holes I need to drill and how easy access will / will not be.


picture #19 and #42 and others.
the studs for a tonneau and top are the same.
notice on top dashboard, they use the screw down for the defrost vent cover. there’s also one stud outside on the front fender edge just forward of the door beyond the window frame upright.
have fun!

This thread may also help…


I can take some dimensions for location of the outer crashpad and wing top tenax fasteners from my S4 if it would help.