I was driving my recently aquired 72 Elan +2, last night, for the first time in the dark. The headlamps popped up and worked no problem for the few miles to a friend’s house. I put the headlamps down and switched the engine off after a few minutes running.
When I came to leave and fired her up, the headlamps refused to pop up again, no matter what I tried. After I while I drove home on sidelights and after a few hundred yards the lights suddenly sprang half way up and then over the next few minutes bobbed erratically up and down, seeming to adjust with the throttle.
By the time I was home they were fully up and retracted again when I switched them off. I haven’t touched the car since.
I have noticed that when the car is left unused the lights do slowly begin to raise themselves up about half way after 3 or 4 days, which I assume is a leak or a weakness in the vacuum system somewhere. But the erratic up and down show is a new one on me.
Any ideas from you experienced +2 owners please?