Engine/Transmission weight

Now that I’ve got my engine out I’ve had a chance to put it on the bathroom scale and check its weight. Here is what I found:

Engine (with oil but without the parts listed below) ----- 242 lbs
Transmission (with oil) ------------------------------------------ 82 lbs
Generator (with mounting bracket) -------------------------- 12 lbs
Starter -------------------------------------------------------------- 9 lbs
Carburettors (2 Webers - no air box) ----------------------- 10 lbs
Exhaust headers ------------------------------------------------- 6 lbs

The accuracy of the scale is somewhat suspect especially since I got on it and it read what I thought was quite high. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Does the transmission weight include the bell housing?

I weighed a T9 recently, which is supposed to be heavier than the Lotus transmission. The T9 weighed 68 lbs without bell housing or oil.

1968 36/7988

the stock 105E bellhousing weighs 15 lbs. without bolts, fork, slave cylinder or starter cover. my guess is that the 82 lbs includes all of the above. UPS will ship them so I dont think there that heavy.


Hi David
Yes, that included the bell housing.
I should have listed it as Transmission/Bell housing. I did neglect to weigh the Engine-to-Bell housing Backing Plate but I don’t think that would have even registered on the scale that I used