Engine mounts again

After all the discussion on the quality of rubber parts at the moment, I’m wondering what to do about my need to replace the engine mounts.

First off, I have a Plus 2 Spyder spaceframe chassis - do I need to use Spyder engine mounts or are they the same as to Lotus ones?

  1. Are the Spyder mounts subject to the same questonable rubber quality as the Lotus ones?

  2. Can I use TTR uprated mounts in a Spyder chassis?

I’ve been browsing the archives but I’m just getting confused :blush:

Thanks in advance for advice and opinions!


you can use TTR engine mounts with your Spyder chassis, they also do an uprated g/box mount which may be of interest.
I have these parts fitted to my Zetec engined Spyder chassis Elan.

Thanks John,

am I correct in thinking that, for the Plus 2, both mounts are the same?

Errrm, I don’t know :blush:


Yes, +2s use two of the standard Ford engine mounts. The only car that used the ‘tall’ Lotus special mounting was the Stromberg 2-seater Elan.

:arrow_right: Matthew

Cheers Matthew

I guess that about covers it, thanks guys


I believe it is the Webber/Delorto version of the baby elan that use the tall engine mounts on one side.



The old engine mounts removed from my weber Sprint are both the same size.


Bill is correct, on the small Elan (with the weber/delloto engine) the r/h engine mount is a Lotus only item while the l/h is a standard Ford mounting, the stromburg engine use’s both standard Ford mountings (also used on the Europa)
Not sure about the +2 but think it uses both standard mounts and I also believe the Spyder chassis uses standard mounts but turned upside down?

There still does not seem to be a definitive answer to the original +2 question apart from Mathew’s comments.

Having bought “the whole shooting match” from Spyder I can state catagorically that for my Stromberg engined Elan they supplied one standard & one tall mount for use with their space frame & their engine brackets.


From the S1, S2, and coupe parts book that is on line (you can download it here - dialspace.dial.pipex.com/mce/Elan/Documents/ ) on
page 40 PB57 states
RH is 26 E 374 Lotus part
LH (F) 109 E6068 Ford Part
this is with the stock Lotus Chassis

The 3 Spyder chassis I’ve bought use the Ford Part on Both sides, at least on Elan,
The Plus 2 may be different but I have heard from other people that have them that they are the same part on both sides for the stock chassis,
I can’t see why Spyder would go with different mounts on the Plus 2.
I am no expert on Plus 2’s, I sold my Plus 2
9 months ago to pay the New England heating bill and 6 months worth of taxes on my house. The only work that I did on it was to shim the cams and got it running after sitting for several years.

and to add a little more …with standard Lotus chassis the Lotus +2 parts manual give both engine mounts as A26 E 6011

The small Elan parts manual :
026 E 0374 R/H
054 E 6000 L/H
and then 026 E 6011 from eng # … (not specified)

and from the D.Bean manual :
026 E 0374 R/H for Weber carbed Elan
026 E 6011 for L/H Weber Elan also L/H & R/H for Stromberg Elan & Europa.
The Bean manual does not show a difference between Elan and +2
As for Spyder chassis’s I think only Spyder can answer that or a call to TT to see what is compatible


The small Elan parts manual :
026 E 0374 R/H
054 E 6000 L/H
and then 026 E 6011 from eng # … (not specified)

If this is correct (if any Lotus CAN be correct) then Stuart could be right …may be the later chassis’s did take both the same mounting? although I have fitted the high mounting to the right side on my Sprint and that is a Oct 72 build.

I think you’ve got it.
A phone call to Spyder would get the original question answered :slight_smile:
I don’t recommend phoning TTR with questions about Spyder chassis :wink:


My Sprint has an early Spyder chassis. The engine mounts removed are basically the same size, but the mounting holes are different for each side.

I replaced them with TTR’s uprated mounts. I don’t recall having to tell them it was a different (ie Spyder chassis).

If it’s of use, I’ll post some pictures when I get home this evening.


I just looked at Spyders website and they list mountd for Plus 2 as a pair and, separately, carb side for the Elan. So it looks like the Plus 2 ones are the same each side. Which is good 'cos I ordered them as such!

I did mention to TTR that I had a Spyder chassis and if I neede handed ones and they said some do and some don’t and left it for me to decide… They didn’t seem to think they wouldn’t fit.

Fingers crossed.

I’d be interested to see your pics Stuart, and if anyone else has any of the Plus 2 also please.

The engine mounts are not always easy tell to apart (high & low) after they have been in use (height wise) but the shape of the metal part that mounts to the engine is different (half moon cut out) the thread below has a pic in it of the l/h & r/h mounting

Ah right, thanks Brian. Now I remember, when I replaced them on my last car (Lotus chassis) they both looked like the ones on the left in that picture, so must have been the same.

I found an old post about mounts with a reply by Rohan. He said that the Spyder chassis has the mounts bolted the other way round with the four bolts going into the chassis. They are also mounted the other way up for the failsafe effect to work.

My Sprint has an early Spyder chassis and uprated mounts that I?ve assumed to be from TTR.
The RH & LH chassis mount points are exactly the same height.
The RH mount lifts the engine 15mm higher than the LH side.

Brian Clarke
(1972 Sprint)

Oooops!!! Yes, of course it is - Bill you are right - sorry! :blush:
The Strombergs stick UP into the bonnet so don’t need to be pushed up any further… :wink:

:arrow_right: Matthew