Fit them so that should the rubber delaminate the mount fails safe. e.g the plate drops into the “u” shape formed by the other part of the mount
You don’t have the correct mounts for a +2. The +2 has identical mounts on both sides of the engine, part number 026 E 6011. The one shown on the left of your photo is of the correct configuration. You need another one of these. The mount on the right of your photo is for the carburettor side of an Elan with Weber carburettors. The Elan requires the engine to be elevated on the carburettor side to clear the foot well. In any case you must attach the mounts such that the “hoop” section which attaches to the motor is on top. This will prevent the engine from dropping too far if a mount fails. I am assuming you have a Lotus chassis, I believe the mount installtion is reversed with a Spyder chassis.
The mounts ARE reversed on the Spyder chassis, i.e. the four-hole side attaches to the chassis, and the two-hole side bolts on to ‘legs’ which bolt on to the four holes on the block. But they are still fitted in the “failsafe” orientation.
Correct, it is worth noting that the “failsafe” orientation for the Lotus chassis is 180 degrees from that for the Spyder chassis. Hoop to the top for Lotus chassis and hoop to the bottom for Spyder. Motor mounts have spawned so many threads that maybe we should change’s background graphic from anti-flail Rotoflexes to motor mounts in failsafe orientation.