Within a year of engine rebuild, new left side engine mount (next to header) is shot. I’d like to replace it myself, but I don’t have an engine hoist. Can I just jack the engine up, loosen nuts, remove and replace? Where do I place the jack under engine? Does the generator next to be removed first? I think I can get past the header, but not sure. Advice appreciated. Thanks. Dan '70 S4 SE (federal)
A bit of wood to protect the sump then support the engine with a trolley jack. Take off the dynamo / alternator and yes indeed the engine mount can be replaced quite easily. Done a few myself.
The mount on that side of the engine does suffer from the heat and the quality of some rubber parts is variable these days.
I did mine a few days ago. Not sure why yours failed so quickly. A trolley jack under the sump worked for me, with bit of plywood large enough to fit the well of the sump (about 8" square) to distribute the load.
Not sure about the layout of the engine bay in the federal car so I can’t comment on what needs to be removed to gain access. On RHD car I didn’t need to take anythng off to do the LHS mount.
1963 Elan S1
What are your thoughts on creating a heat shield between the engine mount and the header? Bending a piece of sheet metal would be simple enough, not sure how effective it would be. Dan
With the large bore headers on my Elan i run 2 pipes in front of the mount and 2 behind in order to have enough room. The mount is close to the pipes and gets lots of heat and stress while racing.
I glue a layer of flexible aluminium faced fibregalss backed heat shield to the mount using high temperature silicone - This works well with no problems with the exhaust mount breaking. Normally its the inlet side mount I have to replace due to the torque reaction of the engine adding to the engine weight on that side versus subtracting from the engine weight on the other.
The Elan Factory makes such a heat shield:
elanfactory.com.au/pdf/produ … shield.pdf
Just replaced the inlet side one on my +2.
The rubber had totally unstuck on one side and the engine was resting on the airbox
The most worrying thing is that the mount is only in since Christmas…
I’ve now put one of my old mounts in instead.
BUT…they are relatively (in Lotus terms) easy to change.
Best of luck,