I have mounted a new enginemount (From PM) at the right side of the engine. Scary to se that the old one was totally exploded. I had the klonking noise from the carb’s airfilterbox. It is now gone, and all is nice, i hope so! when i did the job, i took of the carbs, and saw hat the O-ring gaskets had taken a load of stress, and were comming a-part. I have fitted new ones. I really hope, that nothing else had happend. I looked carefully at the cylinderhead, and no stresscracks there. The car runs great now, much more smoothfully upstart from 1 st gear. One thing i have noticed, now that i dont have the KLON KLONK noise, is a new (maybe) noise…or rather a bell sound. When i drive the car, and accellerate slowly, just a little more than just holding speed. A little bellsound apears. Very delicate sound, in the upper frequens area. Its a VERY tiny sound (I’ll guess that anyone over 50 cant hear it
) Is it airflow in the carbs i hear? or could it be valvesound?.
Another issue i still deal with is fumes in the cabine. I have mounted a new rubberseal between boot and body. It is non smelly when the windows are closed, but STILL smelly if i open the windows at speeds over 60 km/H. It is annoying because i get dizzy in my head…more than ussually… when i drive more than 80 km. Somewhere here i read about some tubes from the tank. Is it possible to block those, and still get gas to the engine? maybe if i dont fill the tank full up? I have…due to my dizzyness a hard time recon the smell as fumes of burned gas, or fumes of gas. hmmm.
Hope some of this gives meaning, and maybe some of you have some comments…
Might be worth checking out the engine bay as I noticed the other day I am getting a small exhaust leak from the exhaust manifold to engine area. Doesn’t make any noise and only saw it because I happened to start the engine up on a cold and wet day with the bonnet open so was able to see the exhaust gas. If the fumes are happening with forward motion then it is likely that the fumes are coming from the engine bay, so would also bet worth double chekcing the security of the petrol line up to the fuel pump, pump to filter and onwards etc, although imagine you ahve already done that.
The bell noise intrigues me I have to say and haven’t really got a clue what it could be. Might be worth checking you are firing on all cylinders and not pinking on one, as I only found out the other day that I have only been firing on three cylinders due to a dodgy spark plug. Waiting for new ones to arrive before I start engine up again.
Thanks for reply.
I am quite sure it is not pinking i have. I can stress the engine to make that sound, when in top gear/low revs make a full throtlle accelleration. Then it pinks. its a more high pitched sound. I dont think i am only running on three cylinders, because it runs well and keeps a nice steady idle at 800-1000 rpm. BUT i will check it out! pulling one cable out at the time. Interesting point on the fumes. I have fitted new fuelhoses, so no problem there. I have tried to block the exhaust with a towel and my hand. The engine dies slowly, so i thought that it was non leaking. BUT i will try some more tests. I have until now thought that it came from the behind, thru the boot, when i make underpressure in the cabine with the windows open.
Thanks again
Can I suggest that you wait until you are over 50, then you will not hear the little bell noise and probably won’t be able to smell the fumes either and the dizzyness will be indistinguishable from the general way that life presents itself.
And that’s on the good days
Ha ha ha
Or it could just be tinnitus from the roar of the exhaust particularly with the windows open!!!
I’d check the bell housing.
Since you are getting exhaust fumes from somewhere you might consider a small exhaust leak at the manifold to head interface. i have had this cause a chirp like a bird more that a bell.
The only bell-like sound I’ve heard from my car was the fan blade hitting the bonnet spring when I opened the bonnet while the fan was still turning.
Without a trip across the atlantic it is difficult to diagnose a sound.
If you would like to pay airfare and lodging I am sure there are plenty of people who would come to visit and attempt to find the source of your cars mystery sound and fumes.
AAAh very interesting! the sound could be Birdish… This weekend i am doing a Steve Mqueen Memorial “race”, and i will do all test there.
I am not a millionare…but come and visit Copenhagen for “birds” and fumes anytime!
Are you speaking of gas fumes or exhaust?
I had gas fumes at high speed with my Strombergs and it turned out to be a leaking carb due to a sinking float.
Steve Becker
99% sure its Exhaust fumes.
Is there any smart way to detect exhaust fumes?
Can i but some fluid…water or thicker stuff around manifold to see if it leaks?
If you could get your hands on an exhaust gas analyser you may be able to “sniff” for them that way. Have never tried it but I think theoretically it would work, although I stand to be corrected.
I think I have had the bell-sound in the past. It was the carb air box hitting the footwell and/or the the pedal box. I now use the shim-type o-rings to seal the carbs. This gives a few mm more clearance and the problem has gone.
best regards, iain
Hey! i think you might be on to something! I have changed my carbgaskets, and as i recall, the airfilterbox was kind of loose. That could explaine the bell/bird in my motor. I check right away…
Well guys, i think i have found the tweeking bird!. I took of the airfilterbox (it was kind of loose) i then fired up the lady…wraaauummm, what a great sound from the venturis…! It is definently a ventury tweek i can hear. Maybe the sound have allways been there? it kind of whistle in a high pitch, while i get the deep rooar as well. The venturis are not loose, so its not caused by them rattling. I then put in some doorrubberseal against the two parts of the airfilterbox, and now its firm and tight. The sound is lower now, and i kind of like it. So this is the way i go from now.
In the testings, i had my head down the enginebay, but i can not sniff any exhaustfumes… I am back at the trunk theory. It has got better with the new rubberseal, but not perfect. HMM I will try to seal some more, between the boot and the cabine.
Thanks for input…keep’m comming.