
Did you watch the reveal? It was fun watching the Elan motor around the box display, did I see Clarkson in the passenger seat? I’m quite taken with the Emira and may get one next year. Glad I didn’t go the C8 route that I had been sniffing around although that is a very nice car as well.

I thought that was him.

My old beat-up Plus 2 is the only Lotus I can afford so it’s all just good entertainment. :mrgreen:

Are the C8s that are appearing on the used market in the States selling well? I quite fancy one, but over here they are talking end 2022 for new ones that means we will not see any good condition ones until 2023…

Interesting purchase comparison JB.

C8 Corvette - hmm! a really very interesting car, but difficult to imagine here in France as its CO2 rating entitles it to a 30,000€ surcharge for air pollution on purchase - which adds to the local sticker price of about 105,000 €. If Chevrolet were to offer an e85 conversion…it would be great.

The total on the road cost in unleaded format here would 135 000€ or $160,000 (with change to splash out on a bag of doughnuts and two coffees).

IMHO the Emira is too chunky (nearly 2 metres wide) and that it really should have an EU weight 1000 kg to be credible.

But for Austin Allegro fans :wink: it shares the same steering wheel designer!


149,000€ with all the malus etc included, but before you add any of the few extra goodies available. And this for delivery in 2023 excluding any changes during this time. So with the greenies chipping away, add another 5 - 10k€ to the price maybe :smiley:

Re the E85 bit - in France anyway, there comes a point where it is illegal to run a car with E85! I cannot remember where the cut-off point is, but certainly on my Evora where there is available a conversion kit for the engine, it is illegal to fit it and run E85! The CT examiners will pick it up and fail the car…

It is not all about being green. The system is quite happy, and rightly so I guess, to encourage the nurses and teachers running small Renaults and Peugeots to use E85 and avail of the cost savings as these are the voters and ones who need the cash most. Anyone pushing a 3500cc V6 shoving out 420bhp is a different case and they can afford the tax :smiley: :smiley:

I was disappointed by the Emira. It looks like it’s an updated Evora with an additional engine option. After all the build up I was expecting something special. Nothing wrong with an Evora, they’re a fine car and I’m sure the Emira will be. It’s just marketing hype to launch a Mk2 Evora.


Seems like the pricing may put a lid on used Evoras?

Very happy to see the cut of the windscreen nearer vertical rather than Explorer-esque horizontal. In the USA the Ford cut always says “cop on the prowl”.

Why the heck did Lotus scupper the GT nose for the 400 in the USA? If the GT style nose survives to the USA, and the pricing, should be a huge winner.

Would be interested if they do anything to the exhaust dB. Yesterday I heard an Evora in the wild. A bit later I saw it, too. John

Didn’t pass the low speed impact test…

Well I really liked the Emira in the flesh. The blue paint has a pearl in it that doesn’t come out in the videos.
I think it will do really well for Lotus, but I’m not in the market for one.

Having been trying to get in the res queue from here in the States since the reveal…unsuccessfully. Have gotten responses from both sides of the pond suggesting it’s a 3D authentication issue to only UK orders are being accepted. Would prefer to do it directly with Hethel but may simply go through a local dealer, most likely Boardwalk in Redwood City.


I’m with you, I too watched the unveiling. I’m in love with it! And add the v6 Toyota engine and I’m in.


Frank, but to confuse the issue, Chevy is teasing with audio of the quad cam C8 Z06, a screamer, albeit porky in comparison!