Does anyone know the size of #8 and #15
i predict #8 is specific, maybe I can machine #15
Can’t help with dimensions I’m afraid but Item #8 is listed by one of the UK suppliers although it might work out expensive with the shipping.
Item 15 is an easy pin to make, I made a slightly over size stainless steel ones taking the opportunity to remove the wear oval in the mating part.
Item 8 is a close tolerance ( interference ) ground pin, so needs special machine.
I believe it’s a clearance fit … mine certainly are … otherwise you wouldn’t be able to remove them from the blind holes in the caliper body. The pad hooks over the waisted section of the pin and prevents it coming out in service.
Great idea to use oversize #15 pins to correct the wear and if you don’t fancy machining them up you could just use slightly larger standard clevis pins and drill out the holes in the levers to suit .
No 8 item has a tapped hole in one end that enables the pin to be extracted, if yours are loose then something is worn out. Lots of hand brake problems are due to slack in the linkage, all the little areas add up.
No they’re not loose but they don’t require a great deal of force to pull out or push in … just enough to overcome the pressure/vacuum in the blind hole … definitely not an interference fit on mine but it may be on others depending on the machining tolerances. If the pins are corroded of course it’s a different matter.
Try they keep allot of that sort of stuff on the shelf (they recon allot of Lotus calipers)
As Craven suggests, these are not difficult things to make or have made. If you have reasonable access to a mechanical engineering work shop I would suggest this is a better solution. I had my callipers overhauled by Classicar automotive, and was disappointed by their standard of work. I remade the pins you describe to fit the holes that they pass through.
Richard Hawkins
Yours is the first ever comment on disappointment with Classic Brakes that I have ever seen.
They have always done brilliant work for me.