Electronic Ignition

What level of power increase does electronic ignition give?
What is the best system available?
What is the best value for money system?

I?ve no doubt this topic has already been discussed many times, but if only for the sake of interest, I need to ask these specific questions.

Brian Clarke

I vote for Lumenition optronic.
I have it on my Sprint and I have used Lumenition on classics for years.
Burton Power usually do them at a good price.
(I also use a sports coil and some Magnecore ignition leads)


No power increase at all over a properly set up points system, just greater consistency and fit-and-forgetness.

What level of power increase does electronic ignition give?

In my opinion electronic will give no power increase IF the original system was in good condition with everthing working as it was supposed to, it WILL be more relieable and will need less maintainance.
Yes I’ve heard these wonderful stories that after elec. ign is fitted the car goes so much better but I would question whether the ign. system was working correctly to begin with.
I am only speaking of case’s where only the ign system is changed, if a different distributor is used then it could make a difference.
I use Lumenition and have never had a problem so cannot comment on other systems.

I prefer the lumenition magatronic as it fits entirely inside the dizzy, much neater :sunglasses:

I use this with a bosch blue high power coil and do not have any issues with the tacho.

More power is available if you go to a fully mapped ignition system (eg DTA) but then things get expensive.

Lumenition is my choice ,fit and forget

I would vote for Aldon Ignitor, Pertronix, or the Lumenition Magnatronic, all very similar, all fit within the distributor, and super reliable. I have used all three for some years and never had a problem with any of them. I can’t say the same about the more expensive Lumenition, unfortunately !
No power increase whatsoever over a properly set up points system, but as the previous guys suggest, it’s fit and forget.

I use the aldon ignitor with a flamethrower coil. I have had no problems and the tacho still workes fine.