Electric window problem...help definately required!

Hi and help!

My electric windows (+2s) have stopped working. If you hit the button the hazard light comes on very dimly and there is a click (I think) from behind the dashboard. I do have the trim under the steering wheel off at the moment and did fiddle around up there to try to fix the rev counter. The windows worked after that though (slowly of course). Sometimes the hazard light does flicker on and off. I have cheked all the fuses. I have the three black fuse boxes near the servo. Not sure which one is for the windows though.

Any suggestions, as I cannot drive to Stoneleigh with one window down. I have already done that on the M20 in the rain today and it was no fun although I did get off lightly as it was heavy for about 5 minutes only.

Many thanks


try the big earthing nut behind the dash (bottom left corner) that caused a similar fault on my elan, then work through your earths methodically, check the wiring for condition while your behind the dash too.

You can hot wire the window if you wish(just to get you to Stoneleigh) all you need is a live and an earth and connect direct to the bullet connectors behind the dash that feed the doors…BE CAREFUL
John :wink:


Many thanks for the ideas. I will check the earths and if neccessary hot wire the window. Hope that it is dry tomorrow! And on Sunday.

Thanks again
