Electric window issues

Just a quick one (hopefully easy to rectify…)

My windows just went on the blink - they go up but not down. This happened to both of them at the same time.

Any Ideas?

I don?t know if this applies to a plus 2 but on my 71 Elan the windows will down with the ignition off but not up. There must be two 12v feeds to the switches, may be you have lost one of them.


I think the window switches are double pole double push to make switches so it could be a common earth from the down direction for both switches has become disconnected, which would be the top set of contacts because of the way the rockers work in those switches.

Have you done anything like put the ashtray back in or anything around the switch area recently that could have shorted or pushed the contacts off?

As far as I remember, but haven’t got the wiring diagrams with me the switches are fed off a single 12v feed and since you have one direction the +ve side can probably be taken as being working for the moment.

Hope this helps


okay - I admit it - I’m a dick. It was a blown fuze…

Happens to the best of us… :laughing: