Electric window help!

After spending two weekends trying to fix up my passanger window on my 1967 2 + 2 (50-0100) I can not seem to get it to work ok. The window goes down OK but stalls when going up. I have pulled the frame out and the windows appears free. The motor appears when it is loaded up an internal clutch seems to cut in ??
After pulling the motor out plenty of times it shure gives you an appreciation of the original installers at the factory (must had have small hands).
The manual shows you an enlarge cut out on the door frame to make it easier to remove, any one attempting to do work on the windows this is a must, believe me!!
Any hints on the electric window much appreciate


To see if the motor has a problem you could connect the positive and negative feeds from the motor direct to a well charged 12V battery. If it works OK then there is a large voltage drop to the motor. (High resistance old wires, poor earth?)
If it still doesn’t work then there is prbably an internal problem with the motor (worn bushes?)


I realise pulling the other door apart is probably the last thing you want to do but trying the motor from the working door would prove if it is bad wiring.



I realise pulling the other door apart is probably the last thing you want to do but trying the motor from the working door would prove if it is bad wiring.


I dont think the motors have an “internal clutch” arn’t they just some Ford wiper motor? the way you discribe it it sounds like a stripped gear, :cry: if I understand the problem, the motor works with “no load” but the “clutch” kicks in under load? this could be the sympton of a tooth missing/damaged on the drive gear. Just my opinion though,could be totally wrong.

I have had a similar problem with a door glass failing to go up but going down fine. After checking the wiring (the default position is always poor earthing in an elan) and siliconising the rubber seals and cleaning the motor armature and brushes I realised that the actual problem was that the return spring on the arm was weak. I changed it for another one and no further problems. One word of caution I nearly took my finger off in releasing the spring, it may have been relatively weak but the arm flew round lke a sabre!

I installed a couple of relays for each window and that means you get full battery power to the window .that helps a lot although one of my windows is still slow going up but I did replace all window seals so lots of silicone spray might help as mentioned above.


I dont think the motors have an “internal clutch” arn’t they just some Ford wiper motor?


My cousin had a plus 2 in the 70’s and I remember him cursing the wiper motors then. Seem to remember them as being from a Mini.
He got stuck in his car because the drivers window motor went dead, he was parked close to a wall on the near side, the drivers door handle broke off when he tried to open the door and he had a dicky battery so the car wouldn’t start. He had to signal to a traffic warden to open the door!
Crazy days.


You may have this repaired by now, but if not - check that the motor is firmly attached to the remainder of the winder assembly.

I had the same problem with my '68 Plus 2 about a year ago and eventually discovered that there was play there - very slight but enough to allow the motor to tilt slightly when under load (lifting) and jam the gears.

A quick tighten and it’s been ok since.
