I was just wondering where the best place is to mount an electric fuel pump in the boot of the plus 2. I’m installing one in mine and have found that when located on the vertical surface, just below the tank, the noise generated is noticeable from the car interior, even with the engine running. Is there a better location or mounting technique to reduce the noise? I’m currently using some 1" thick rubber mountings that came with the pump.
I have a red top fuel pump mounted in the boot/trunk of my S4. Yep I can hear it ticking away but only when a stop with the engine at tickover. Once my foot is down on the pedal I can only hear the engine bark
I almost hate to admit this, but: I have a Lucas diaphragm fuel pump (ala MGB) mounted in the boot, attached to the left strut area with rubber ‘bobbins’ from VW Rabbit radiator mounts… It can be heard on first iggy activation, and sometimes at idle, but for the most part it’s drowned out by the rest of the lovely sounds the car makes.
P’raps “insulating” it with some sound deadening material would lessen the annoyance?
I’ve mounted my SU pump on the Spyder chassis in the gap just behind the rear seat foor section. I mounted the fuel filter in the same area.
I had trouble trying to connect up to the existing fuel lines so I ran some 8mm copper pipe from the filter, via some fuel pipe, to the mechanical fuel pump on the engine. I removed the leaver in the pump but left the valves in place. I should also mention there is a short section of fuel pipe and another short section of copper tube with a fitting that matches the input of the mechanical pump, to allow for engine movement.
I use a Facet fuel pump and Holley pressure regulator connected together with a pipe nipple. The unit’s mounted to the firewall (engine compartment side) on 1/2" sponge rubber. I connected the input to the fuel line that went into the mechanical pump and the output goes to an inline filter and up to the carbs. The pump’s low enough to get gravity feed from the tank. You do get some noise in the interior from behind the glovebox (LHD). It just adds a little to the general din.
I used a small Pieburg rotary pump mounted on the inner front wing outboard of the air clearner pipe - nice and cool, pump not noisey - cost ?50 - and solved a vapour lock problem in very hot 30?C+ weather.
I have a Facet/Purolater electric fuel pump mounted in the boot between the spare tire and fuel tank. I inserted rubber grommets in the mounting holes on the fuel pump, then inserted the mounting screws into the grommets. The pump mounted this way is somewhat mechanically isolated from both the body and the mounting screws. You can get the grommets at just about any electronic parts supply house. I can just barely hear mine at idle.
On this note, when I had the transmission out, I replaced the plastic fuel line with metal brake pipe (except where rubber fuel pipe is needed near the moving engine). Instead of routing it below the body, I ran it through the top of the tunnel on the right side. There are already holes in the backbone bulk heads and mine had unused grommets in them from the factory. While I was at it, I routed the rear brake line through the top of the left side of the tunnel in the same fashion. Makes for a clean installation and moves these important lines up and away from the road.