Elanbulance for sale with Paul Matty

Wonder what this will be retailing at? paulmattysportscars.co.uk/sh … px?id=1538

Is that Malcolm Ricketts car? He also has a +2 shooting brake, perhaps its one variant too many for him.

It is Malcolm Ricketts’ car. I was at PMSC yesterday. The price in the windscreen is - gasp - ?44,750. But then if you’re a very well-heeled Elan collector, you would have to have the complete set.


It must have been his not long ago because at one time he had both of them.
He has a lovely hatchback Elite as well; I don’t think there can be too many variants for Malcomb :laughing:

Aaah I see you pipped me to the post John :wink:

Due to its rarity nobody outside the elan world will know what it is. To a passer by its simply an ugly car, but in the Lotus world its a rarity worth 44k. A fool and his money…


John & John,

Thanks for the info, I can’t say I want an elanbulance that much ?44+k but I suppose its in all the right books and is a definitive collectors car in the true sense.

Now if he was to get bored with his Metier (+2 prototype) I would be first in the queue. It was being rebuilt at Spyder when my +2 was being fettled… they shared a ramp and looked good together until the Metier dropped brake fluid over my bonnet!!

It must have been his not long ago because at one time he had both of them.quote]

Malcolm did indeed own both of them until he sold the blue one to a fellow in Sweden about three years ago.

This yellow one, which is fabulous in the flesh, was based on one of the rare 43 S4/Sprints (S4s converted to Sprint spec by the factory). It also carries the forward facing ‘Big Valve’ legend on the cam cover, as did the majority of the S4/Sprints.


Personally, I love it. Just what I need to put the dog in the back. 45K though? The +2 shooting brake is not Malcolms. Paul told me that cost >?60K. You certainly need deep pockets if you want something unusual.


The dog is about the only thing you would put in the back- imagine bending down to reach under that waist-high rear door? “Doris, me bleedin’ back’s gorn again” :wink:

1971 Lotus Elan S4 Estate Elanbulance shooting brake by Hexagon - Sprint spec

On Ebay ?55k

ebay.co.uk/itm/1971-Lotus-El … 720wt_1271

Currently owned by one of our LotusElan.net members in France.