Elan Sprint Wheels And Steackers

For my elan sprint August 1971, i am looking for 4 original wheels black with chrome ring and the magnesium bolts with the wing going out.

I am looking too for steckers that devide the two colors red and white of the body, with written Lotus Elan

Where can i find?

Many thanks,



I purchased the “ELAN SPRINT” stripes from r.d. enterprises a little over a year ago. I believe they had a run of these custom made. You might give them a try.

'71 Elan Sprint


Try contacting Paul Matty in England. Thay have an extensive parts department and will sell you new wheels (approx $200), rimbellishers (approx 35) and Sprint decals (approx 125). Have look at www.paulmattysportscars.co.uk. You could also try Christopher Neil at http://shop.christopherneil.co.uk/acatalog/

I have also seen Elan wheels for sale on e-bay.


I bought a set of decals for my Sprint a month ago from Sue Miller (Mick Millers wife). Excellent quality and cheaper that anybody else I could find. Her email address is [email protected]
