Elan Shop Manuals?

I have two Elan Shop Manuals:
One manual is the one that came with my Series 1 car and the other is a larger ring binder manual that seems to cover all the Elans.
I also have the illustrated parts catalog for the S1, and a collection of workshop notes from Lotus; sort of like Airworthiness Directives for airplanes…
Were there other versions or issues of the Lotus Elan workshop manuals?
Thanks for your help.

There was only 2 versions of shop manual, the Ser 1 and as you described, one for all Elans. This last manual was updated several times, the manual # was not advanced, but you’ll find pages that have a little bit different verbage or drawing and the date of the page listing when the page was revised.

There were three versions of parts book. The Ser 1 book you have, an excelent book titled Ser 1, Ser 2 and Coupe. and a final version covering all Elan models. There are some things that are not covered in the middle book, but I find it very helpful, especially since I’m restoring an early Pre Airflow Coupe.

The middlw book is a bit of a problem finding what you’re looking for, but you are also rewarded by listing Ford, Lucas, Girling and all sorts of other vendors that supplied parts, not converted over to the Lotus system of numbers.


Is this the S1 parts manual you refer to? I picked this up many years ago, and it appears to be for the Elan 1600 only. Nice and easy to use with only one model!

Yes, this looks like my parts manual for the S1, but my manual has a greenish cover.